You wrote, "I am going to have to take exception to your premise that Bush lied about the motive behind the 9/11 attack. During his first round of presidential debates , he clearly stated on national television , "Make no mistake , Israel is our friend."
Now what does that have to do with being dishonest about the motives for the 9/11 attacks? President Bush didn't say "Make no mistake, we are being targeted by terrorists because of our support for Israel." He went before the American people and had the audacity to lie about why we were attacked. Bush claimed, "America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world." You should take note of the fact that Michael Scheuer, the former Chief of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, says Bush is simply lying: The politicians really are at great fault for not squaring with the American people. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live. And there's a huge burden of guilt to be laid at Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, both parties for simply lying to the American people." - Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief
Your e-mail indicates to me that you are in deep denial. You simply don't like it being proven that President Bush is a liar. President Bush played the same game that 9/11 Commissioners played, they "rejected mentioning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the report." Why? Because "In their view, listing U.S. support for Israel as a root cause of al Qaeda's opposition to the United States indicated that the United States should reassess that policy." So their priority, and President Bush's priority, was keeping the policy of US support of Israel from being reassessed rather than give a full and honest account of why it is that terrorists attacked the United States. Dishonesty about 9/11 motives robs Americans of the freedom to decide for ourselves if we want to put our lives at risk over specific foreign policies.
This is such a shameful violation of the American people. And this isn't the only life and death issue that Bush lies about. Bush lied or is insane or is so ignorant and incompetent that it isn't funny at all. Anyway you slice it, he is not fit to be commander in Chief. Bush thinks Saddam didn't let the inspectors in and that is why we attacked him! He has said it at least 3 times now and the media keeps letting him get away with it!
Do you realize how vile it is that Bush lies about why he attacked Iraq? So much for your "president who means what he says." You have to make an effort to stop living in denial. The stakes are too high. President Bush is telling flat out lies about Iran. Bush lied when he claimed that the President of Iran "threatened countries with nuclear weapons." Bush lied when he claimed that the President of Iran had said he "wants a nuclear weapon."
This is a gravely serious mater. We have seen the track record, Bush lies in order to justify starting wars. How about making an effort to protect our country instead of living in a dream world which places us at grave risk?
( I didn't even get around to responding to her petty comment about the price of the T-Shirts. The emailer doesn't like the message so she claims the shirts are "overpriced." I marked the price up by 50 cents, hardly an extreme profit margin. For example, the base price, the money which goes to Cafepress, is $8.99 and I add a measly 50 cents to that:
( I didn't even get around to responding to her petty comment about the price of the T-Shirts. The emailer doesn't like the message so she claims the shirts are "overpriced." I marked the price up by 50 cents, hardly an extreme profit margin. For example, the base price, the money which goes to Cafepress, is $8.99 and I add a measly 50 cents to that:
Bush Lied Value T-shirt
Full text of email I received:
Subject: Alleged Bush Lie.
I am going to have to take exception to your premise that Bush lied about the motive behind the 9/11 attack. During his first round of presidential debates , he clearly stated on national television , "Make no mistake , Israel is our friend." GWB has never once retracted that statement. Perhaps Americans as a whole have become accustomed to politicians who say one thing , and do something different. Let me remind you that Osama Bin Ladin very clearly stated the attacks against the West were because of their support of Israel and Middle East policies which favor Israel. I can not understand why such a large number of Americans do not understand a president who means what he says. The hatred of the West for supporting Israel has been growing since the Carter administration. Are ye daft? Or just trying to sell overpriced Tshirts?
Full text of email I received:
Subject: Alleged Bush Lie.
I am going to have to take exception to your premise that Bush lied about the motive behind the 9/11 attack. During his first round of presidential debates , he clearly stated on national television , "Make no mistake , Israel is our friend." GWB has never once retracted that statement. Perhaps Americans as a whole have become accustomed to politicians who say one thing , and do something different. Let me remind you that Osama Bin Ladin very clearly stated the attacks against the West were because of their support of Israel and Middle East policies which favor Israel. I can not understand why such a large number of Americans do not understand a president who means what he says. The hatred of the West for supporting Israel has been growing since the Carter administration. Are ye daft? Or just trying to sell overpriced Tshirts?