If the above link doesn't work, try this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFA6dAw_OXA&list=PLB661F098CFEE5F77&feature=plpp_play_all
! It’s time to come to terms with just how unethical big media companies are in our country and to take action to protect ourselves from journalistic malpractice. Top reporters dominating the media landscape not only don't represent our interests, they are perpetrating a massive fraud on the public. There is widespread corruption in the media and top pundits are pushing manipulative and dangerous lies. You can see their lies exposed at: YouTube.com/RepresentativePress
Tinyurl.com/WarPropagandaExposed links to a playlist of videos, the first one debunks the biggest lie elites are using right now in order to justify a war with Iran. It has over 460,000 views but we need to reach more to gain a foothold in public discourse. We can reach more people if we pass these links on to others.
The second video in the playlist exposes CBS’s 60 Minutes editing out the President of Iran’s call for a peaceful solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict: democracy. (cutting his answer off in mid- sentence.) The video shows how Mike Wallace deceives viewers with misleading narration – and see what they didn’t air! He has not only gotten away with this fraud, they gave him an EMMY for it! ! The media has been fabricating threats and underreporting statements like this: “We will never start a war. We have no intention of going to war with any state.” We must not allow the media to push us into another fraudulent war! See proof: bit.ly/IraqLie It’s time to take action, you can help build up this platform to expose these warmongers — download a PDF of this flyer here: bit.ly/GetPDF then make copies & distribute them. There’s strength in numbers ... Tinyurl.com/JoinEmail& Tinyurl.com/SubToChannel helps too.
You can cut these flyers in half and distribute them that way or pass them out as is & ask people to cut them in half and give them to others.