Friday, December 09, 2016
Tuesday, December 06, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Jill Stein on Election Recount Effort and Money Goal Being Raised
Dr. Jill Stein Talks about election recount effort during her weekly "Fireside Chat" and she discusses "how we organize ourselves for a more transparent democracy. I will also answer your questions about the recount campaign."
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Are absentee ballots counted?
"It is a common misconception that absentee ballots are only counted during very tight races."
This says "all votes are counted, whether they're cast in-person or by absentee ballot." and "all ballots, including absentee ballots, are counted in the final totals for every election, and every vote (absentee or in-person) counts the same."
Tuesday, November 08, 2016
Why Voting for Jill Stein Makes Sense! 5% = $
Why Voting for Jill Stein Makes Sense! 5% = $
Your Vote is Valuable! Boost the Green Party to at least 5% for matching funds! Spread the Word* ☞ *Please use Facebook to share this video or use the YouTube tools to share it.
Vote #JillStein2016
Your Vote is Valuable! Boost the Green Party to at least 5% for matching funds! Spread the Word* ☞ *Please use Facebook to share this video or use the YouTube tools to share it.
Vote #JillStein2016
Monday, November 07, 2016
Hillary Lies and a Glimpse of a Hillary Clinton Presidency
THIS is what a Hillary Presidency is going to be like? Hillary refuses to answers basic questions and then resorts to telling another lie. Is this what we have to look forward too? Spread the Word. PLUS see this video: (Hillary Clinton is Extremely Dangerous!)
Question: Secretary Clinton, there are some reports that these emails were found on devices that belong to your aide, Huma Abedin, and her husband, Anthony Weiner. Have you spoken to Huma? Was she able to give you any information about that?
Hillary Clinton: You know, we’ve heard these rumors. We don’t know what to believe. And I’m sure there will be even more rumors. That’s why it is incumbent upon the FBI to tell us what they’re talking about…Because right now, your guess is as good as mine, and I don’t think that’s good enough.So we’ve made it very clear that if they’re going to be sending this kind of letter that is only going originally to Republican members of the House that they need to share whatever facts they claim to have with the American people, and that’s what I expect to happen. Thank you all.
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Secret Service Rushes Trump from the Stage
It makes sense to share THIS video because of the commentary on this breaking news story about the Secret Service rushing Donald Trump off the stage. (includes UPDATE about the guy in the crowd too.)
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Friday, October 07, 2016
Why Police Shot Man and Black Lives Matter BS
See how the media covered this police shooting and listen to what witnesses claimed happened "police shoot black man," then look at the facts revealed in the video and hear what Olango's mother says about the claim that her son was "mentally ill."
Hundreds protest death of Alfred Olango following California cops releasing video of his fatal shooting
Keith Lamont Scott Video Analysis: Cop Straddles Object
How the hell am I supposed to talk about the news? (with link to petition)
SEVERAL Michael Brown Witnesses Admitted They Lied about Shooting!
Charles Barkley: Look at Evidence Michael Brown Grand Jury Saw
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The Rev. Shane Harris, president of the San Diego chapter of the National Action Network, called releasing the photo "cowardly."
"Harris also demanded the release of the full video of the shooting, adding that the District Attorney's decision to release only a still picture biases the public against Olango."
He said the photo serves to shape the narrative of the police department, not to tell the full story of what happened during the deadly encounter.
POLL: Majority believe El Cajon police shooting of Alfred Olango justified
'He Was Not Mentally Ill': Alfred Olango's Mother "A man shot and killed by police in El Cajon, California, was not mentally ill but was having a breakdown over the death of a close friend during his encounter with police, his mother said Thursday."
Thursday, October 06, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Media's Race Omissions: Black Cop AND Riots Targeting Whites in Milwaukee
Not only did mass media fail to report that the Milwaukee Police Officer who shot Sylville Smith is African-American, but there was a GLARING OMISSION of the fact that black rioters were targeting and attacking white people. And an independent reporter (who I asked to ask the protesters if they knew the cop who shot Smith is black) was in such fear for his life that he abandoned reporting on the the ground about the Milwaukee "uprising." He reveals that a white teen was shot in the neck during these black riots.
Black Milwaukee Police Officer wearing a body camera shoots an armed perp yet there is a riot. See the press conference where a reporter asks what the race of the Milwaukee cop was who shot the man which people are rioting about. Shooting and Riots over an incident most didn't bother to learn the facts about.
Representative Press Twitter ----►
The links to tweets for full videos:
Representative Press Retweeted
Zachary @Zach_Haack Aug 13 Milwaukee, WI
What happens when you're white on the Milwauke's north side during a riot. #Milwaukee #MilwaukeeRiot
Representative Press Retweeted
Tazer Swift @CrashnDaPlane Aug 14
#Milwaukee "They beating up all the white people." "They white, get em." @Kereem_C_C @Zach_Haack
Due to racial tension I will no longer be covering Milwaukee Unrest by Tim Pool
@Timcast Did u ever get around to asking protesters if they know the #Milwaukee #cop is #BLACK?! #journalism
Cenk of the Young Turks did NOT give “all sides to that story.”
He does NOT give “the entire context.”
Monday, August 15, 2016
Black Milwaukee Police Officer Shooting of Armed Man Press Conference
Black Milwaukee Police Officer wearing a body camera shoots an armed perp yet there is a riot. See the press conference where a reporter asks what the race of the Milwaukee cop was who shot the man which people are rioting about. Shooting and Riots over an incident most didn't bother to learn the facts about.
"Normally I’d like to think that doesn’t matter, I know it does, I also know that there’s been a lot of work on social media trying to identify him, so there are a number of people here that want to do that officer harm. He happens to be African-American and he has several years of experience and is a very active officer. And we are concerned for his safety. " - Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Tuesday, August 09, 2016
Monday, August 08, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
Monday, July 25, 2016
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Monday, July 18, 2016
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Thursday, July 07, 2016
Mirror Flipped of Lavish Reynolds Video (Police Shooting of Philando Castile) This video is mirror flipped of the original Lavish Reynolds Facebook Video. This was created to reverse the mirror image of the original to depict the car's driver side and passenger side accurately. This was created for news purposes. RIP Philando Castile and my condolences to Diamond Reynolds and her 4-year-old daughter. "Philando Castile shot and killed by Minnesota police during traffic stop; girlfriend pleads for help on Facebook livestream
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
Tuesday, June 07, 2016
Monday, June 06, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
This Monday is the DEADLINE to Register in California for Democratic Pri...
This Monday, May 23rd is DEADLINE to Register in CA! Also see this about Hillary Clinton: AND here is the link to See me voting for Bernie Sanders in the New York primary
Donate to Representative Press with PayPal:
#CAPrimary #Bernie #NotHillary #RepresentativePress @RepPress
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Sunday, April 24, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
UPDATED VIDEO INFO (for the video Don't miss your chance to have an impact! Register by Oct 12):
Ron Paul is NOT a safeguard for world peace. He can't even bring himself to accept international law! Ron Paul can't even commit to adhering to the U.S. Constitution. It explicitly says treaties signed are law of the land yet he has adopted the macho man mentality of bashing the UN and ignoring the obligation to uphold international law. Also his domestic policies are freakishly wrong, he has swallowed propaganda. Claiming Social Security is unconstitutional shows he's a nasty crank.
I don't like his BS economic theories including denying the suffering during the Great Depression. I don't like the neanderthal mentality of hostility towards treaties, he really is just aping greedy businessmen who see them as an impediment to their greed. I don't like him lying about what the government can and can't do as if private business is some sort of savior. He claims the government can't make jobs or "real jobs," he is so fanatical with his economic theories that he says falsehoods about basic fundamental facts. Slick politicians can simply avoid mentioning something but he denies the fact that the government CAN and DOES make money.
Look at the Alaska Permanent Fund. Don't you think Alaskans are happy to get a check from the profits? People in Alaska are GETTING CHECKS from the Alaska Permanent Fund.
Look at the TVA. The government CAN and DOES make money. Corporate dominated public discourse is such that you will probably never hear it but the Tennessee Valley Authority is a federal corporation and the nation's largest public power company and it makes money. Google TVA and look under "About TVA" then "TVA FAQ" "The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power distributors serving 9 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity." For over 70 years the TVA has proving people like Alex Jones wrong. As I pointed out, the economic system doesn't work without Gov. help anyway. why should we allow profits to only flow into private hands?
Look at the Bank of North Dakota. We shouldn't be happy with a select few owning banks and getting a sweetheart deal as they exploit our economy instead of a bank model along the lines of the Bank of North Dakota. The Bank of North Dakota (BND) is a state-owned-run financial institution, based in Bismarck, North Dakota and has been working successfully for DECADES. "The Bank of North Dakota was established by legislative action in 1919 to promote agriculture, commerce and industry in North Dakota." What is wrong with that? Instead greedy bankers owning banks so profits go to them for private jets, yachts and mansions why shouldn't the profits be going to the people? Far too many people have been hoodwinked by propaganda if you think private banks are better.
Remember when the Capitalists fell on their faces (again) and had to be bailed out by the government (again)? Capitalism has to keep relying on Socialism to bail it out! :
The power players insist that THEY should own the means of production. But successful socialism would have socialist firms creating wealth. Why should we be content with fat cats dominating our economy and owning major energy firms instead of having a model where the people own them and the profits then can go to the people? How can anyone ignore the decades of success of the TVA?
The TVA has been working FOR DECADES. And by the way, I just learned of another reason to hate Obama because as I was researching even more about the TVA I leaned that that sone of a bitch was trying to sell it off to privatize it! As I have explained in other videos, Obama is one of the elites and he sells out the average American for the interests of private power! It is amazing how many people were duped by I tried to expose him early on (BEFORE he was elected) see video and what Gravel tried to expose:
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Israel is the aggressor. Overwhelmingly Israel, not Palestine, kills first.
Israel is the aggressor. Overwhelmingly Israel, not Palestine, kills first.
See Reigniting Violence, How Do Ceasefires End? by Nancy Kanwisher
"Thus, a systematic pattern does exist: it is overwhelmingly Israel, not Palestine, that kills first following a lull. Indeed, it is virtually always Israel that kills first after a lull lasting more than a week.
The lessons from these data are clear:
First, Hamas can indeed control the rockets, when it is in their interest. The data shows that ceasefires can work, reducing the violence to nearly zero for months at a time.
Second, if Israel wants to reduce rocket fire from Gaza, it should cherish and preserve the peace when it starts to break out, not be the first to kill."
Also see The Truth About Cease-fire Violations Between Israel and Gaza by John Glaser
"Israel violates the cease-fires more often, bombs Gaza more times than Gaza rockets Israel, and kills more Palestinians than Palestinians kill Israelis. But these findings are not what is striking. What is striking about this is that almost everybody believes the opposite of the reality. Here’s Munayyer with more on that: …
Of the nearly 120 Israeli cease-fire violations during this period the New York Times reported on 17 of them. Additionally, most of these stories (eleven) came either during the first week of the cease-fire, when the issue was still fresh in readers’ minds, or since the escalation on December 20th. That means for the bulk of this period, during which Israel committed 87 cease-fire violations and causing some 91 Palestinian casualties over nearly a one year period there were only six stories on the topic. This represents a systematic failure to cover Israeli cease-fire violations.
Making matters worse is the way events are covered in the rare instances they are covered. In most cases, Israeli actions are described as a response to Palestinian actions. So while most Israeli cease-fire violations are not covered at all, those that are are explained as justified retaliation. Thus the reader is completely misled about the dynamics of fire, why the cease-fire is threatened and exactly what is going on in and around Gaza."
"Hamas operatives were behind a large volley of rockets which slammed into Israel Monday morning, the first time in years the Islamist group has directly challenged the Jewish state, according to Israeli defense officials.
The security sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, assessed that Hamas had probably launched the barrage in revenge for an Israeli airstrike several hours earlier which killed one person and injured three more."
NOTE: "After Israeli airstrike -> Hamas fires rockets for first time since 2012 "
Read more: Hamas fires rockets for first time since 2012, Israeli officials say | The Times of Israel
This pattern was the same in 2008 too: "Chris Hedges points out what Israel has been doing to Gaza, things which are often either not reported or under reported by mainstream media, "the point of this Israeli siege, ostensibly, is to break Hamas, the radical Islamic group that was elected to power in 2007. But Hamas has repeatedly proposed long-term truces with Israel and offered to negotiate a permanent truce. During the last cease-fire, established through Egyptian intermediaries in July, Hamas upheld the truce although Israel refused to ease the blockade. It was Israel* that, on Nov. 4, initiated an armed attack that violated the truce and killed six Palestinians. It was only then that Hamas resumed firing rockets at Israel. Palestinians have launched more than 200 rockets on Israel since the latest round of violence began. There have been no Israeli casualties." - Israel’s 'Crime Against Humanity,' by Chris Hedges, Posted on Dec 15, 2008" Read more of that blog post here: Israel Attacks Gaza Again
This pattern was the same in 2008 too: "Chris Hedges points out what Israel has been doing to Gaza, things which are often either not reported or under reported by mainstream media, "the point of this Israeli siege, ostensibly, is to break Hamas, the radical Islamic group that was elected to power in 2007. But Hamas has repeatedly proposed long-term truces with Israel and offered to negotiate a permanent truce. During the last cease-fire, established through Egyptian intermediaries in July, Hamas upheld the truce although Israel refused to ease the blockade. It was Israel* that, on Nov. 4, initiated an armed attack that violated the truce and killed six Palestinians. It was only then that Hamas resumed firing rockets at Israel. Palestinians have launched more than 200 rockets on Israel since the latest round of violence began. There have been no Israeli casualties." - Israel’s 'Crime Against Humanity,' by Chris Hedges, Posted on Dec 15, 2008" Read more of that blog post here: Israel Attacks Gaza Again
Here are some details which may change your mind if you look at them objectively. As I showed, Zionists haven't only been lying about recent history, they have lied about the history. First of all, Israel was declared in May 1948. So do you deny all the Zionist attacks that happened before that? Are you a denier of the Deir Yassin massacre? You don't know that it was perpetrated BEFORE May 1948? Look at the date: "The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948."
And you should take note of the note I included in the following info which explains: "The fact is from November 1947 to May 1948 the Zionists were already on the offensive and had already attacked Arabs. In the months before Israel was declared, the Zionists had driven 300,000 non-Jews off their land. In the months before Israel was declared, the Zionists had seized land beyond the proposed Jewish State."
As early as 1891, decent Jews were shocked at the actions of Zionist Jews:
"They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, unscrupulously deprive them of their rights, insult them without cause. and even boast of such deeds; and none opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination." p144 The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East by David Hirst
And look at these ACTIONS: Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
Evidence of early Zionists' murderous refusal of a peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians is perhaps the most dramatic when it involves the killing of Jewish civilians. One of the victims on the list was Jacob de Haan, a Dutch Jew, killed for the "crime" of attempting to work out a peaceful solution between the new settlers and the local Palestinians in 1921. Their own records reveal them saying "another reason for assassinating him was that he was a homosexual."
If you are concerned about Jews then you should respect the history of Jews who actually did stand for justice. Some paid with their lives for insisting that racism is wrong. Zionists killed OTHER JEWS who dared point out what I am saying. The Hagana archives contain the names of 40 JEWS who were killed by Irgun and the Stern Group (Jewish terrorist groups). Look at the example of an anti-Zionist native Jewish inhabitant of Palestine who was assassinated as he left his synagogue in June 1924 by two Haganah agents (Jewish terrorists) As early as 1924 these sick racist Zionists killed Jews because they stood in the way of their racist plan. Even a religious Jew was targeted by Zionists as he left his synagogue.
Zionist terrorist groups killed Jews and non-Jews. From the beginning of the Zionist agenda, terrorist force was planned for and used. "In the single month of July 1938" Zionists killed more Arabs "than Arabs had killed Jews in the whole of that year so far." The terrorist bombing of the Arab Melon Market in Haifa was just one of the Jewish Zionist attacks that inflicted horrific casualties and injuries. The explosion set bodies flying through the air, the bodies "dead, maimed and injured." "Among the blood-spattered human remains were the mangled bodies of three horses, several mules and donkeys which had brought the villager's produce to the crowded market." A Jewish terrorist planted the bomb in the same area where another bomb had been set off just three weeks earlier which had killed 18 Arabs. This bomb killed 53 Arabs and 1 Jew.
The official history of the Irgun makes little pretense that these actions were retaliatory, as is often alleged, referring proudly, for example, to the murder of 27 Arabs to prevent the celebration over the British White Paper limiting Jewish immigration, the murder of more 52 more when an Irgun member was arrested by the British, etc. The record is generally suppressed in the U.S., where cynics refer to terror and intimidation as an invention of the PLO.
You should listen to what HENRY SIEGMAN said in this interview with AMY GOODMAN:
AMY GOODMAN: The Israeli historian, Benny Morris.
HENRY SIEGMAN: The Israeli historian, right, then in the book Righteous Victims, in which he said—I recall, when I read it, I was shocked—in which he—particularly in his most recently updated book, which was based on some new information that the Israel’s Defense—the IDF finally had to open up and publish, that Israeli generals received direct instructions from Ben-Gurion during the War of Independence to kill civilians, or line them up against the wall and shoot them, in order to help to encourage the exodus, that in fact resulted, of 700,000 Palestinians, who were driven out of their—left their homes, and their towns and villages were destroyed. This was terror, even within not just the terrorist groups, the pre-state terrorists, but this is within the military, the Israeli military, that fought the War of Independence. And in this recent book, that has received so much public attention by Ari—you know, My Promised Land.
HENRY SIEGMAN: Ari Shavit. He describes several such incidents, too. And incidentally, one of the people who—according to Benny Morris, one of the people who received these orders—and they were oral orders, but he, in his book, describes why he believes that these orders were given, were given to none other than Rabin, who was not a general then, but he—and that he executed these orders.
AMY GOODMAN: What did it mean that he executed these orders, Rabin?
HENRY SIEGMAN: That he executed civilians. And the rationale given for this when Shavit, some years ago, had an interview with Benny Morris and said to him, "My God, you are saying that there was deliberate ethnic cleansing here?" And Morris said, "Yes, there was." And he says, "And you justify it?" And he said, "Yes, because otherwise there would not have been a state."
What Israel imposed was not the UN RECOMMENDATION. (a crazy recommendation of chopping up Palestine into 7 zones.) Israel is the aggressor. In practice, Zionists did NOT accept the UN Partition Plan. Zionists seized areas beyond the proposed Jewish State and did not recognize the International Zone. Using force and terrorism months before May 1948, Jews seized land beyond the UN proposed borders. The UN Plan was used as a pretense for taking over most of Palestine.
NOTE: This is a critical fact often omitted when the history is presented and this leads to a very distorted view of what happened in 1948. The misleading story often told is that "Jews declared Israel and then they were attacked." The fact is from November 1947 to May 1948 the Zionists were already on the offensive and had already attacked Arabs. In the months before Israel was declared, the Zionists had driven 300,000 non-Jews off their land. In the months before Israel was declared, the Zionists had seized land beyond the proposed Jewish State.
Zionists immediately started seizing land, even land beyond what the UN partition set for the proposed Jewish State. Attacks were from both sides but were instigated by the Zionists seizing land and a reaction to the aggressive ethnic cleansing under way. After the massive ethnic cleansing and expansion beyond the UN suggested boarders, Arab states responded INTO THE AREAS THAT WERE TO BE FOR THE UN PROPOSED PALESTINIAN STATE. Also, Jordan had an agreement with Israel to prevent a Palestinian State so Jordan invaded the West Bank.
The fact that the rights of the majority, 67% of the population, were violated is suppressed in the media. Why in the world would you think it is legitimate for 33% of a population to seize land and carve up the land into 7 parts? Why in the world should 67% of a population ever accept that? These population stats, which highlight just how undemocratic the UN proposal really was, are almost never mentioned in US media. Read more here:
Israeli aggression is part of a pattern which started "immediately after the armistice agreements of 1949, Israel began encroachments into the demilitarized zones along with military attacks with many civilian casualties and the expulsion of thousands of Arabs" p. 101 Fateful Triangle, Updated Edition : The United States, Israel, and the Palestinians (Search my blog for links to sources)
The shocking fact is some 39,000 Palestinians who were "lucky" to find themselves within Israel were robbed anyway! "Israel seized property and land from some 39,000 Palestinians who escaped expulsion and remained in Israel. It was never retuned, and these individuals never received compensation although they are citizens of Israel." (see The Palestinians: In Search of a Just Peace by Cheryl A. Rubenberg )
Apparently you don't know the history and have instead just accepted the Zionist narrative. You need to understand that Israel is the aggressor and the agenda is imposing a racist state on as much of Palestine as they can get away with. Israel's attack in 1967 was part of that agenda. Chomsky points out how Zionists fabricate history: "It is not even controversial that in 1967 Israel attacked Egypt ... to convert it into an Arab invasion is rather audacious -- or would be, if the practice were not routine." -Chomsky, Deterring Democracy Chapter 6 Menachem Begin admitted: "In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him."
General Yitzhak Rabin, Chief of Staff, Israeli Defence Forces:
"I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions which he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it." (Le Monde, February 28, 1968 )
If you read Norman Finkelstein's book "Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict" you can learn that Israel wanted another war and rejected attempts to prevent it. "U.N. Secretary-General U Thant proposed (with the support of Israel's closest allies, the US and Canada) the repositioning of UNEF on the Israeli side of the border", Israel rejected this.
And the history shows that Israel was rejecting the diplomatic attempts to address the Straits, Egypt accepted but Israel rejected a special mediator to deal with the situation. "Reaching Cairo just after the blockade was announced, U Thant elicited a "very significant" (his words) assent from Nasser to a new diplomatic initiative: the appointment of a special UN representative to mediate the crisis, and a two-week moratorium on all belligerent acts in the Straits. Israel peremptorily rejected both of U Thant's proposals." "Nasser repeatedly expressed willingness to submit the Straits dispute to the World Court" Israel REFUSED.
"Alongside U Thant, the U.S. also tried its hand at mediation in late May and early June. Nasser agreed to send his vice-president to Washington to explore a diplomatic settlement BUT "Just two days before the Egyptian's scheduled arrival, however, Israel attacked." Israel wanted war, not mediation, and it used anything it could as an excuse to attack.
What right did Israel have to the Straits of Tiran anyway? They were opened by force when Israel attacked Egypt in 1956. Nasser had every right to close them as Nasser said he did because Israel continued to refuse to honor the UN resolutions calling on it to allow the Palestinians refugees expelled during the 1948 war to return home. (Israel was accepted into the United Nations on condition that it accept the Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees.)
Israel had no right to launch a war of aggression in 1956 and then get rewarded for it by being allowed to use the Straits. "Indeed, President Eisenhower had delivered perhaps the most impassioned defense of the principle that Israel’s withdrawal must be without conditions, asking rhetorically if: ”…a nation which attacks and occupies a foreign territory in the face of United Nations disapproval should be allowed to impose conditions on its withdrawal?” p. 137 Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
The UN should not reward aggressors, the UN could not 'condone a change of the status juris resulting from military action contrary to the provisions of the Charter' p. 137 Image And Reality And Israel had continued its aggression against Syria, Egypt was under no obligation to help Israel by allowing it to ship through the Straits. Even a claim of a "right of free passage" doesn't include shipping supplies to facilitate military aggressions. Egypt's case was very strong and Israel knew it stood a real chance of losing its claim of a right of passage had the issue been decided on a legal basis.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
United Nations Evicts Journalist as He Live Streams UN Evicting Him
CLICK HERE for larger: United Nations Evicts Journalist as He Live Streams UN Evicting Him
See video captured LIVE by journalist being thrown out onto the street from his UN office! Watch abuse of power in action as UN officials retaliate against Matthew Russell Lee for exposing corruption. Listen to this great journalist petitioning to get his status restored to Resident Correspondent at the UN and you can help by signing his petition. Watch this featured video here to boost the exposure of this injustice,violation of freedom of the press.
Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon and UN Under Secretary General Cristina Gallach don't respect good journalism and the right of a free press to report on corruption and abuse of power.
We demand the UN restore Inner City Press' access to the UN as a Resident Correspondent! Journalist Matthew Russell Lee live streamed as the UN evicted him from his office. Listen to this great journalist petitioning to get his status restored to Resident Correspondent at the UN and you can help by signing his petition. United Nations Evicts Journalist as He Live Streams UN Evicting Him
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday, April 08, 2016
Tuesday, April 05, 2016
Sunday, April 03, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Monday, February 29, 2016
RETWEET to Donald Trump
@realDonaldTrump PROOF Bush lied and PROOF they knew intel was wrong: #IraqWar #PROOFBushLied
— Representative Press (@RepPress) March 1, 2016
RETWEET this to Anderson Cooper
@andersoncooper BUSH LIED when he claimed Saddam didn't allow the inspectors in! #YouAreInDenial #WarCrimeApologist
— Representative Press (@RepPress) March 1, 2016
Tuesday, February 09, 2016
Friday, February 05, 2016
Thursday, February 04, 2016
Huffington Post article and two Chomsky articles
Alex Jones shows he is a propagandist and apologist for U.S. imperialism when he knocks the Sandinistas. David Knight, the reporter he has with him in his Inforwars video “Message To Bernie Sanders’ Supporters” disparages the Sandinistas just as U.S. elites and the New York Times do:
A note to a Youtuber about "Socialism"
The rich and powerful spent millions of dollars to indoctrinate the public as I have explained on my blog: (they spent millions to "educate" the public into believing myths which are against the interests of the common man. See:
The Everlasting Battle for the Minds of Men
On the 2 disk CD Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind, Chomsky explains things about how the economics work for the rich and powerful. The story they sell the public is that private industries are "rugged individualists" that don't rely of the government.
Disc One, Track 16 is called "Welfare for the Rich" and here Chomsky exposes the fact that Newt Gingrich was the biggest welfare freak in the country. But Newt wants the welfare to go to the rich. This isn't what is called corporate welfare, this is the system of subsidy of research and development. He explains the way in which our economy works: massive public subsidy and privatization of profit. Technology is developed under the guise of the military and handed over to private power when it works.
On Track 22, "Selling Free Enterprise", Chomsky says this is a good book, the first study he has ever heard on this major theme of modern history, the business communities' plans to use public relations industry indoctrinate the population in the "capitalist story": Selling Free Enterprise: The Business Assault on Labor and Liberalism, 1945-60 (The History of Communication) by Elizabeth A. Fones-Wolf. He says the material is pretty revealing. The things that went into creating the "Mohawk Valley Formula". The efforts to drive ideas like public control over industry out of people's heads. Fones-Wolf writes about the leaders of the public relations industry and what they called "The Everlasting Battle for the Minds of Men." ... more from that blog post here
Nobel economics winner says market forces flawed
Bernie Sanders is Better than Hillary Clinton
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare
(this blog post is additional info for the video on YouTube called Alex Jones’s CRAZY “Message To Bernie Sanders’ Supporters”
- Teaching Nicaragua a Lesson by Noam Chomsky, Excerpted from What Uncle Sam Really Wants, 1992
- Deterring Democracy by Noam Chomsky Chapter 9: The Mortal Sin of Self-Defense Segment 7/7
A note to a Youtuber about "Socialism"
The rich and powerful spent millions of dollars to indoctrinate the public as I have explained on my blog: (they spent millions to "educate" the public into believing myths which are against the interests of the common man. See:
The Everlasting Battle for the Minds of Men
On the 2 disk CD Propaganda & Control of the Public Mind, Chomsky explains things about how the economics work for the rich and powerful. The story they sell the public is that private industries are "rugged individualists" that don't rely of the government.


Nobel economics winner says market forces flawed
YouTube is continually removing the revenue generating ads from Representative Press videos:
See videos:
Bernie Sanders is Better than Hillary Clinton
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare
(this blog post is additional info for the video on YouTube called Alex Jones’s CRAZY “Message To Bernie Sanders’ Supporters”
Monday, February 01, 2016
Hillary Clinton Gets A LOT of Money for her speeches!
"Clinton’s most lucrative year was 2013, right after stepping down as secretary of state. That year, she made $2.3 million for three speeches to Goldman Sachs and individual speeches to Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Investments, Apollo Management Holdings, UBS, Bank of America, and Golden Tree Asset Managers." - Hillary Clinton Made More in 12 Speeches to Big Banks Than Most of Us Earn in a Lifetime
And here is link to the twitter post for the counterpunch article:
And here is link to the twitter post for the counterpunch article:
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare: #Hillary #Clinton #HillaryClinton #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #Bernie #Sanders
— Representative Press (@RepPress) January 25, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Here is link to the twitter post for the counterpunch article:
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare: #Hillary #Clinton #HillaryClinton #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #Bernie #Sanders
— Representative Press (@RepPress) January 25, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare
Here is the link to tweet "Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare" to promote the article"Hillary Clinton and the Northern Strategy":
(The article is written by STEVE HENDRICKS)
See videos:
Bernie Sanders is Better than Hillary Clinton
Concerning Bernie Sanders and the Public's Right to Fair Media Coverage
(The article is written by STEVE HENDRICKS)
Clinton’s faux liberalism laid bare: #Hillary #Clinton #HillaryClinton #DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #Bernie #Sanders
— Representative Press (@RepPress) January 25, 2016
Click Here to Donate to Representative PressSee videos:
Bernie Sanders is Better than Hillary Clinton
Concerning Bernie Sanders and the Public's Right to Fair Media Coverage
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Monday, January 18, 2016
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
you are making assumptions about my positions
Jack Smith, you are making assumptions about my positions. Look at my videos on Israel, Hillary, Obama, Kerry & Hartmann:
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