Friday, October 15, 2004

Is Sean Hannity a denier?

here is the email I sent Sean Hannity. copy it and email it to

Dear Mr. Hannity,

You made the claim that many of the Winter Soldier testimony was proven false, can you give me a source for this?

You make the claim that "Kerry accused" soldiers of crimes. That is an absurd characterization of Kerry repeating what the men themselves had testified to. These crimes have been documented, you can read about the atrocities from the National Archives. How dare you deny that these crimes happened. And you serve powerful interests by ignoring the main message of Kerry which was to hold the leaders and decision makers responsible. Kerry wasn't trying to screw over fellow soldiers, it is disgusting for you to spout off "why didn't he turn the men in?" The National Archives have hundreds of files of official US military investigations that document the very same kind of atrocities that Kerry related in the Senate Hearings. See: The Village Voice: Features: Swift Boat Swill by Nicholas Turse

Sean, I look forward to you documentation that "proves" the Winter Soldier testimonies were false.

email the above to

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