Thursday, April 30, 2015
Situation with YouTube
I really am disgusted by how YouTube is pulling monetization from MANY videos. I was thinking I could email my viewers a list of videos which this was done to. You can join the Representative Press email list to see that list of videos (joining may also help deal with the situation of YouTube not notifying my subscribers of new videos.
(I also would like to test to see if people are getting the emails so please join the Representative Press email list )
May 7, 2015 UPDATE: Tonight I just noticed that YouTube restored the monetization for the above video BUT has removed it from the video I featured at the end of the "Drunken Peasants" video! Yes, the video about how Representative Press was omitted from the list of YouTube partners has had its monetization removed!
As I said in my latest video called Drunken Peasants TJ & Ben Dismiss Complaints about YouTube as "Silly" the situation of YouTube marginalizing the Representative Press channel has been going on for years. See this video for example.
"Let's use this platform to advocate for the formal establishment of a Representative Press. Think about retrofitting Voice of America through legislation to mandate that it be totally under the control of the people, totally transparent and dedicated to serving the needs of all Americans. Think how fast we could reach that tangible goal."
TJ mocks people's grievances against Youtube and Google, insisting that the Google system has no bias or agenda. Both Ben and TJ belittle concerns about YouTube channels being unable to monetize videos due to political content.
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This is where I got the clips for my latest video called Drunken Peasants TJ & Ben Dismiss Complaints about YouTube as "Silly" they come from 56 minutes into this video (you can hear the uncensored curses in the video, remember I added the bleeps to my video when I played the clips): Sarkeesian Time 100 Most Influential? #CENSUREWHEATON - GTime Johnny Sings Again! DPP #108
Also see: YouTube's criteria for what they consider content that is “advertiser-friendly"
(I also would like to test to see if people are getting the emails so please join the Representative Press email list )
It really is sad that YouTube is doing this to my channel because my videos are serious journalism and the YouTube actions are financially hindering that journalism. I am actually shocked at how many videos YouTube is removing monetization from. Here is a shocking example I alluded to in my most recent video which had monetization pulled for no good reason:
May 7, 2015 UPDATE: Tonight I just noticed that YouTube restored the monetization for the above video BUT has removed it from the video I featured at the end of the "Drunken Peasants" video! Yes, the video about how Representative Press was omitted from the list of YouTube partners has had its monetization removed!
As I said in my latest video called Drunken Peasants TJ & Ben Dismiss Complaints about YouTube as "Silly" the situation of YouTube marginalizing the Representative Press channel has been going on for years. See this video for example.
TJ mocks people's grievances against Youtube and Google, insisting that the Google system has no bias or agenda. Both Ben and TJ belittle concerns about YouTube channels being unable to monetize videos due to political content.
You can subscribe to the Representative Press blog by clicking on the links below:

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This is where I got the clips for my latest video called Drunken Peasants TJ & Ben Dismiss Complaints about YouTube as "Silly" they come from 56 minutes into this video (you can hear the uncensored curses in the video, remember I added the bleeps to my video when I played the clips): Sarkeesian Time 100 Most Influential? #CENSUREWHEATON - GTime Johnny Sings Again! DPP #108
Also see: YouTube's criteria for what they consider content that is “advertiser-friendly"
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Corporate Media FAILS us (again) on TPP coverage
Sen. Sanders says" I find it incomprehensible that, to the best of my knowledge, ABC,CBS, NBC and CNN have had zero coverage of the TPP ( the corporate-friendly Trans Pacific Partnership)
#NoFastTrack #NoTPP #StopFastTrack #StopFastTrack #News #WorldNews #USNews #TPP #Trade #TPA #FastTrack #Obama #TTIP #Congress #StopTPP #ISDS #FreeTrade #Senate #ElizabethWarren #BernieSanders #GOP #Trading
Thursday, April 23, 2015
TPP Petition by Sen. Warren
You can't read this by Elizabeth Warren
Have you seen what’s in the new TPP trade deal?
Most likely, you haven’t – and don’t bother trying to Google it. The government doesn’t want you to read this massive new trade agreement. It’s top secret.
Why? Here’s the real answer people have given me: “We can’t make this deal public because if the American people saw what was in it, they would be opposed to it.”
If the American people would be opposed to a trade agreement if they saw it, then that agreement should not become the law of the United States.
Let’s send a loud message to our trade officials: No vote on a fast-track for trade agreements until the American people can see what’s in this TPP deal. Sign this petition right now to make the TPP agreement public.
The THREATS posed by the TPP and the TTIP. You Can Act!
For more than two years now, giant corporations have had an enormous amount of access to see the parts of the TPP trade deal that might affect them and to give their views as negotiations progressed. But the doors stayed locked for the regular people whose jobs are on the line.
Have you seen what’s in the new TPP trade deal?
Most likely, you haven’t – and don’t bother trying to Google it. The government doesn’t want you to read this massive new trade agreement. It’s top secret.
Why? Here’s the real answer people have given me: “We can’t make this deal public because if the American people saw what was in it, they would be opposed to it.”
If the American people would be opposed to a trade agreement if they saw it, then that agreement should not become the law of the United States.
Let’s send a loud message to our trade officials: No vote on a fast-track for trade agreements until the American people can see what’s in this TPP deal. Sign this petition right now to make the TPP agreement public.
The THREATS posed by the TPP and the TTIP. You Can Act!

For more than two years now, giant corporations have had an enormous amount of access to see the parts of the TPP trade deal that might affect them and to give their views as negotiations progressed. But the doors stayed locked for the regular people whose jobs are on the line.
TPP isn’t classified military intelligence – it’s a trade agreement among 12 countries that control 40% of the world’s economy. A trade agreement that affects jobs, environmental regulations, and whether workers around the globe are treated humanely. It might even affect the new financial rules we put in place after the 2008 crisis. This trade agreement doesn’t matter to just the biggest corporations – it matters to all of us.
Let’s send a loud message to our trade officials: No vote on a fast-track for trade agreements until the American people can see what’s in this TPP deal. Let’s send a loud message to our trade officials: No vote on a fast-track for trade agreements until the American people can see what’s in this TPP deal. Sign this petition right now to make the TPP agreement public.
SEE VIDEO:The THREATS posed by the TPP and the TTIP. You Can Act!
SEE VIDEO:The THREATS posed by the TPP and the TTIP. You Can Act!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The THREATS posed by the TPP & TTIP. You Can Act!
See examples of how the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership are threats to our democracy.
"We’re organizing the Internet Vote on April 23rd to give Internet users everywhere a voice against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret deal that could lead to global Internet Censorship." Take ACTION
How "Free Market Capitalism" Really Works. Nader and Chomsky Explain the Game, a Nanny State to Take Care of the Rich. And the Truth about the Wall Street Bailout:
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed new treaty, being negotiated behind closed doors between twelve countries of the Pacific rim, that will limit countries' freedom to make their own laws to protect consumers, Internet users, workers and the environment." "Congress is trying to make sure the public doesn’t have a voice in negotiations around the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). They’re trying to “Fast Track” the secret deal, threatening our Internet and our democracy. Fight back by joining the Internet Vote on April 23rd. Let's flood Washington, DC with calls and emails to make it clear how the Internet is voting: against censorship and against Fast Track". See this link to the Representative Press blog to Learn More:
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Until we know how bad this agreement will be
We're gonna have to stop the TPP
In an overseas private court, a multinational company
Can sue for billions through the TPP
Attacking our national laws, is not something that we want to see
So let's get that out of the TPP
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Don't wanna sacrifice our national sovereignty
That's what will happen in the TPP
They say that it will bring new jobs, but where are those jobs gonna be?
No way of knowing from the TPP
We all want our country to grow, so long as it's sustainably
We might not get that from the TPP
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Let's not gamble with our jobs and the economy
We're better off without the TPP
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Everybody let's stop the TPP!
Until we know how bad this agreement will be
We're gonna have to stop the TPP
The TPP and TTIP, are two different trade agreements, both will have the same disastrous results.
hidden within this
deal are plans to include rules to give investors
the right too sue governments.
many fear their inclusion presents a
grave threat to democracy, public funds and the development of public policy.
For investors and their lawyers law firms becoming more and more creative at the kinds of government decisions that their attacking fifteen years ago there were virtually
no awards and very few cases and now there are
several hundred. that's a very large number in the context of international law and international adjudications investors are suing on a whole range of
government policies american tobacco giant Philip Morris is
suing Uruguay for two billion US dollars over health warnings on cigarette packs
It could be that all these actions have a freezing effect on policy discretion that states to no longer want to run the risk of doing things that displease investors
Sometimes the mere threat of an investor state dispute can be enough to kill legislation just because the policy makers are afraid of being sued
So that shows that investor-state disputes actually also an enormous threat to our democracy. Both the united nations and the International Monetary Fund have warned that investor rights in trade agreements can severely curb the state's ability to respond in times of financial crisis.
when the country's in economic crisis it needs to adapt all kinds of measures to get out of the crisis and also to protect its people from the West.
#TPP #TTIP #NoFastTrack #FrackTPP #NoTPP #StopFastTrack #StopTPP
Take Action
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"Let's use this platform to advocate for the formal establishment of a Representative Press. Think about retrofitting Voice of America through legislation to mandate that it be totally under the control of the people, totally transparent and dedicated to serving the needs of all Americans. Think how fast we could reach that tangible goal."

They Don't Want You to See TPP text! Demand to Here!
Please help spread the word by using the YouTube tools to share the video:
"We’re organizing the Internet Vote on April 23rd to give Internet users everywhere a voice against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret deal that could lead to global Internet Censorship."
Join the Internet Vote to Stop Censorship Click Here
How "Free Market Capitalism" Really Works. Nader and Chomsky Explain the Game, a Nanny State to Take Care of the Rich. And the Truth about the Wall Street Bailout:

Links to the other videos which I used some clips from, Stop the TPP! and Suing the state: hidden rules within the EU-US trade deal are in this playlist too. Those two videos ( Stop the TPP! and Suing the state: hidden rules within the EU-US trade deal) were uploaded Creative Commons. My use is fair use.
Newly Leaked TTIP Draft Reveals Far-Reaching Assault on US/EU Democracy Mammoth deal an even greater boon to corporate power than previously known, warn analysts TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal. We need to stop this corporate attack on our democracy and policies to protect the public interest. And the TPP video: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed new treaty, being negotiated behind closed doors between twelve countries of the Pacific rim, that will limit countries' freedom to make their own laws to protect consumers, Internet users, workers and the environment.

@ Subscribe to blog by Email
"Let's use this platform to advocate for the formal establishment of a Representative Press. Think about retrofitting Voice of America through legislation to mandate that it be totally under the control of the people, totally transparent and dedicated to serving the needs of all Americans. Think how fast we could reach that tangible goal."

They Don't Want You to See TPP text! Demand to Here!
Please help spread the word by using the YouTube tools to share the video:
"We’re organizing the Internet Vote on April 23rd to give Internet users everywhere a voice against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a secret deal that could lead to global Internet Censorship."
Join the Internet Vote to Stop Censorship Click Here
How "Free Market Capitalism" Really Works. Nader and Chomsky Explain the Game, a Nanny State to Take Care of the Rich. And the Truth about the Wall Street Bailout:

Links to the other videos which I used some clips from, Stop the TPP! and Suing the state: hidden rules within the EU-US trade deal are in this playlist too. Those two videos ( Stop the TPP! and Suing the state: hidden rules within the EU-US trade deal) were uploaded Creative Commons. My use is fair use.
Newly Leaked TTIP Draft Reveals Far-Reaching Assault on US/EU Democracy Mammoth deal an even greater boon to corporate power than previously known, warn analysts TPP and TTIP, Two Different Trade Agreements, Both Will Have the Same Disastrous Results This film presents some of the dangers of the investor rights within the proposed EU-US trade deal. We need to stop this corporate attack on our democracy and policies to protect the public interest. And the TPP video: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed new treaty, being negotiated behind closed doors between twelve countries of the Pacific rim, that will limit countries' freedom to make their own laws to protect consumers, Internet users, workers and the environment.
For information about how the TPP will affect consumers' rights, see Consumers International's website at For its specific impacts on copyright and the Internet, see the Our Fair Deal coalition site at
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (Long Version)
"International negotiators have not yet hammered out final details of the TPP, and text is not public"
Elizabeth Warren wrote: "arts of the TPP trade deal that might affect them and to give their views as negotiations progressed. But the doors stayed locked for the regular people whose jobs are on the line.
#TPP #TTIP #NoFastTrack #FrackTPP #NoTPP #StopFastTrack #StopTPP
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Corporate Global Domination (Long Version)
"International negotiators have not yet hammered out final details of the TPP, and text is not public"
Elizabeth Warren wrote: "arts of the TPP trade deal that might affect them and to give their views as negotiations progressed. But the doors stayed locked for the regular people whose jobs are on the line.
TPP isn’t classified military intelligence – it’s a trade agreement among 12 countries that control 40% of the world’s economy. A trade agreement that affects jobs, environmental regulations, and whether workers around the globe are treated humanely. It might even affect the new financial rules we put in place after the 2008 crisis. This trade agreement doesn’t matter to just the biggest corporations – it matters to all of us.
Let’s send a loud message to our trade officials: No vote on a fast-track for trade agreements until the American people can see what’s in this TPP deal." Warren asks you to sign this petition.
NEW VIDEO PROMOTES that petition, please use the YouTube tools to share it:
Monday, April 20, 2015
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
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