Monday, June 21, 2004

mypetjawa (Rusty Shackleford) asks, "If the world was as the Left described it, wouldn't it be just to attack America?
mypetjawa (Rusty Shackleford) thinks he has hit upon away to make sure no one can criticizes American or Israeli policies, "The next time you hear an academic use words like colonialism or imperialsm, the next time you hear an intellectual use words that suggest America as the cause of so much suffering in the world, the next time a Leftist speaks of the death of children at the hands of America, don't let them go unchallenged. Remind them of the consequences of their words."

mypetjawa mypetjawa(Rusty Shackleford) is using propaganda techniques.
My responses:
You need to learn basic logic. You write, "If the world was as the Left described it, wouldn't it be just to attack America?"

Maybe you think killing civilians is OK and so it would be "just" but I don't. The problem you have is you can't grasp the concept of two wrongs. In 1831 Nat Turner and other terrorists he led murdered about 60 whites. Children's brains were smashed out of their heads, by some accounts all the victims were decapitated. Now are you going to tell me that since this happened in response to slavery that it must be "just"? Or that since Nat Turner and his fellow terrorists did what they did that we can no longer be against Slavery since that would mean "agreeing with the terrorists"?
Tom Murphy | Email | Homepage | 06.20.04 - 1:22 pm | #

Mud Blood & Beer responded: "Tom: I think you veer off point there a bit. What Rusty (I think) is saying is that the left has declared that America itself is the great evil in the world, and if that is the premise then it could be considered appropriate to eliminate this evil at virtually any cost (because the evil of America is so great). This seems to me an accurate description of the thinking among today's lefties, given everything that's come out of their mouths since 9/11/2001. (Here I mean the real left -- the America haters -- and not mainline democrats, who are simply fools)"

I answered:
"America itself"? No, you are wrapping specific foreign policies in the term "America." There are serious wrongs, just as slavery was one. Your games are like saying it was "anti-American" to be against slavery during the slavery period. You see how wrapping specific policies under the banner of "America" is an attempt to insulate them from analysis and criticism? You don't want to grasp the concept of two wrongs.
I made my point as clear as possible. Pointing out that specific policies by policy makers are wrong is not an endorsement of any act against them. US street thugs don't get away with this "but I am America" garbage, why should US foreign policy makers? Stop the propaganda with the "America itself," we are talking about specific foreign policies.
By your rational we could have never ended slavery since that would have been "giving in to terrorists." And we could not have called slavery a "great evil" since in your mind that would be saying "America itself," we are talking about specific foreign policies.
By your rational we could have never ended slavery since that would have been "giving in to terrorists." And we could not have called slavery a "great evil" since in your mind that would be saying "America itself is a great evil"
Stop trying to protect specific policies by attacking fellow Americans, it isn't right what you are doing.

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