the Lies and the Denial of
the Main Motive for the 9/11 Attacks:
U.S. Support for Israel

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It seems this subject is "new" and even polemic for US people. Well, perhaps it’s so in America and some other parts, but to those who care to be independently informed, this is an old issue.
Long before 2001, 9/11 means to me the Pinochet coup against Allende in Chile, lead by US! This happened in 1973. US supported Iraq in the war against Iran, remember? This where cold war times, and the geopolitical struggle for energy resources lead USSR to try to control Afghanistan. Things went on and now NATO is in charge over there, on behalf of "occidental" politic. Israel was recognized by UN in 1948, in Arab territory ambiguously considered as an allied heritage of a British Protectorate.
If you try to see the underlying trends over a long time it becomes clear for any serious and intellectually honest people (which simply means being a human), who wants what and by which means.
USA got a certain international democratic status after World War II, and Jews "earned" their international respect at the same time. Those where the "golden years"; but are you sure the concept "democratic" is now the same? In those times democracy meant freedom. Later, it was used in opposition to comunism. And now what? The superiority of a sordid, suicidal and un-humanized money-based culture, which is spreading by force?
Nazi concentration camps are now monuments, devoted to "always remember"; they are shown to children from the entire world in a moving and moral pedagogic intention; but where are the monuments to the people which died silently in Sudan during 25 years, before the issue became "breaking news"? Congo, Somalia, Ethiopia, Angola, children starving anonymously, loosing legs, fighting as soldiers, forced into slavery... Where are the monuments to them? Not to avoid forgetting a past, but simply to turn visible those who are dying now?
Lots of such representative monuments are really not needed, since everyone can see the original right now; what are the three generations of Palestinians living in concentration camps in that entire region? Did you try to fly over them with Google earth?
Slavery, empires, crusades, spreading of Christianity in the 15th and 16th centuries, colonialism, emigration to the New World during the late 19th - early 20th centuries, Lebensraum to nazists, preventive war, energy resources control, anti-terrorism, democracy as an exportation product... Some are banned expressions, others are History, and others are the nowadays virtuous ideals with their counterparts... Euphemisms.
The bottom line is not so mysterious, after all.
you must not start another dangerous round of fingerpointing. the danger lies in trying to claim one faith as superior to any other faith. religion poison everything. choke the beast.
u r sayin the truth~!
God Bless U
The notion that the 9/11 conspiracy theories are meant to distract the public from the real issue at hand, namely the motive for the attacks as you claim to be the U.S. unconditional support for Israel, is interesting and will gain my attention in my future research and reading.
It is interesting to note how people, almost reflexively, respond to such ides like 9/11 being motivated by the U.S. support of Israel by calling them anti-semitic. Similar response was given to the recent call for a boycott and divestment of Israel and Israeli politics.
"problem" "reaction" "solution"
Big Money needs a war.....
They create a problem.......
They know the blind folks reaction.....
They smile and GIVE us their solution.....
ANOTHER WAR..... whatever happened to "the war to end all wars".....
thank you Aleph
You know, its all been said. And if you've read this page then I needn't reiterate, but its time for honesty.
Transparancy should be the top priority of our "democratic" governments, but subscribing to hedgemon theory, those with the power will certainly not volounteer to diminish said power.
Knowledge is power. And we know little through mainstream means. We have been pacified into a lazy and apathetic culture and it's depressing to think where we are headed. Culturally, and politically. Selling democracy... wait... i mean shoving democracy down other nations' throats, while our governmental system can scarcely be called that anymore (truthfully... we would need to be informed to be able to make a choice... hell we'd need a real choice, real alternatives) is quite hypocritical. Democracy as it is now in north america is little more than a lobbying sport.
So i ask...
What can we do? Where do we turn? And how can we get an entire continent (or world) up to date on the realities of our global village? Do we have to hijack the airwaves or what?!
What can we do? I am working on putting together an even bigger campaign. We need to do what was done during revolutionary America, get the word out. I think those that march around need to take a hard look at if having a march is that effective at all for changing things. I would much rather all the thousands of marchers to spend that time going door to door distributing flyers with critical facts that every American needs to know.
I suggest that everyone get behind Dennis Kucinich and make sure he gets the Democratic nomination. That means registering as a Democrat and voting for Kucinich in the Democratic primary. He is our BEST hope. WEe need to establish a true public media in competition with the one we have now.
Stupid muthu fuckers! What about the "USS Cole"? what about the Nirobi attacks? Don't you understand were talking about radical Islam here??!! Imagine trying to speak to a KKK member about caring. Thats what were up against, they don't want to see us here, just like the KKK doesn't want any niggas in his town. So what do you do, you defend yourself! How? you ask....? Being on the offence!!!!! I'm a soldier in the IDF and shit, I kill anyone that talks about destroing Israel. My e-mail is: Anyone that wants to talk about war crimes is more than welcome to address me. I was in Lebanon last year.
Sal is a clear indication that the mainstream brainwashed will have a dumbed down effect to the point of blind violence against any that disagree. For anyone to stand behind Israel is indeed our enemy. The truth sahll prevail as does good in the end.
stop this lise you keep telling
Why are we spending half of our intl budget to maintain Israel at all costs when their neighbors get nothing ? How can we claim to be loving everyone equally when we clearly are biased for Israel ????
Why don't we stop spending billions for Israel today ..... and concentrate on our country instead ..... look at New Orleans, health care ...
hey tom. you are nothing but a justified murderer. what better contradiction is there than a 'peacemaker' holding a gun. wake up. you are a pawn in the genocide that continues.
May God be with you in revealing the truth and exposing the crimes against humanity
Your film entitled "If Americans What Israel is Doing" is quite compelling. I neither semetic nor anti-semetic. You make excellent points, and I cannot disagree with your overall case. But, let's not forget that the U.S. government, virtually since its inception, but particularly from 1945 and the Manhattan Project, has made a career out of unilateral decisions. We believe we are the world's police, and will stop at nothing to get our way. It's Isreal, but it goes to an overall U.S. mentality that we OWN the world. If that mentality could be overcome, I think many of the contributory issues which feed said mentality would reach a level of being something that can be managed. Israel alone did not cause us to become the most hated country in the world. Our world status is the result of the arrogance of power.
Kansas - United States
You don't know nothing about israel! israel is a great country! you try to be against israel, and give some people a bad thought about something that happend or maybe not happend about something that you might think called violence, well, i tell you something alse, you are bad people who try to ruin israel's good relationship with ths US, and this is not in your hands, not because you show violence who happens to to once who make terrorizm and trouble to the soldiers, not just poor people who that what you make!
It's ashame to see your wasted knowledge base! Get A Real Life!
Israel is a beutiful place!
You're hitting the nail on the head! Another short, moving video that tells the story:
You have to start dealing with the left. Here's the problem, I'm a leftist but the are many Zionist who have infiltrated the left and their main agenda is to disrupt and divert the people on the left should they bring up U.S. support for Israel as the motivating factor for the War on Iraq. The left are the ones going around claiming that the War on Iraq was for oil which is totally false.
The left however use ridicule especially since the right has been out front on focusing on Zionism's influence on U.S. foreign policy. Apparently the old political division are anachronistic and its time for people to stand up and confront the scourge of Zionism before it totally take the United States down the road of despotism
well finnaly u see alot of palestinaons being abused 1.9billion of the muslims cared for the holocust but they dont care they want to kill and kill what if the muslims in palestine were the amaricans the jews would be hitting u and beating u up blow ur heads kill ur children would that be nice oh plese dont give me the excuse that god gave us this land for the isrelis im sure he did he would have said it in the bible but instead the jews changed it im sorry
the reason for the attacks on 9/11 wasn't the support of israel, it was the facist-like policy, you guys invaded countries just to keep your wealth and to get more money !
Imagine someone coming to your country, bombing it and killing your family, like the U.S. did in Afghanistan, Iraq, Korea, Vietnam...that is what makes it the most hated country in world !
Take care of your own business, you've got problems enough !
I want a revolution. I've been screaming this for sometime now. Why does everyone think I'm crazy?
The Representative Press has stated that it does not support the conspiracy theory.
The Representative Press has stated that the Bush administration has lied about the reason for the 9/11 attacks.
The Representative Press has stated that the support for Israel is the reason for the 9/11 attacks.
The fact that the Representative Press has stated that there is a lie and has put forth evidence to support this premise, strongly suggests that this is a new take on the conspiracy theory, and can be added in with all the other versions.
It is much like eye-witness accounts...these are well known to be inaccurate and that to get the full picture, all versions need to be co-joined, assimilated and truth found.
Each group puts forth their 'researched' version of the facts that surround 9/11. They all hold some truth, and are strongly believed. It is not the first time the US government has been involved in cover ups, and the art of misdirection, nor the last. The US Govt is not the only govt capable of this, and this includes Bin Laden.
The fact is, there are lies, mis-direction, propaganda, suppression of facts, and edited quotes on all things 9/11.
The motive for 9/11 will never be known, as the supposed hijackers are dead, and this alone is enough to realise that the real answer to the question "why to attaqck WTC?" will never be answered to everyone's satsfaction.
Sites like this one, and all the other 9/11 sites serve only to enrage, anger and inflame those who view it.
The fact that 9/11 happened was enough of a horror to last till Armageddon and beyond! There is no need to perpetuate the horrors in this way.
It happened. It was horrible. Those involved, no matter who they are, are sick derranged people and the general public have the right to let sleeping dogs lie, and leave behind this horror and to start to rebuild their lives.
The full truth will NEVER be known.
All that these sites serve to show, is that there was much collusion to orchestrated those attacks. There is much evidence to support all the premises, and if The Representative Press has any real understanding, they will fully understand what is being said here, and that to continue to blame the support of Israel needs to stop. In any argument or fight, all parties concerned are responsible in some way, not one single party as constantly being pressed here.
The fact that The Representative Press constantly presses this single fact, may amunt to harassment, and racially motivated content, as it is clearly anti-semitic, almost bordering the same line taken in Germany in WWII.
Enough is sufficient. Leave 9/11 lie in the dust it created. Build, a new improved WTC, and let sleeping dogs lie!
I am SICK AND TIRED of those who cry "anti-semitism/nazi Germany" to anyone who criticizes Israel or the US unconditional support of it as is repeated in the previous comment. So Israel is untouchable? Of course there is denial about the central cause of the rise of terrorism! Had Israel and the US not trampled the rights of Palestinians for so long, Muslim extremists would have had no "market" for their deadly activities. But, it is so much more "convenient" to refer all hostilities to religious fanaticism only, in order to deflect attention from some very real issues about land and rights. Such an attitude of denial and falsification, however, is bringing us all to the brink of an abyss. And whoever dares criticizes, is termed "anti-semitic". It is a pathetic form of collective blackmail that the entire world will pay for dearly. Wake up! This is not about anti-semitism. The horrors of the Holocaust do NOT mean that Israelis are "entitled" now, as payback, to do whatever they like to anybody. Terrorist attacks have, at their CORE reason, the constant support of Israel at the expense of Palestinians. Religion is used to recruit more people to the cause, but claiming religion is the cause is putting the cart before the horse, and would only serve to perpetrate the danger for ALL OF US.
Just go thru the stats on the home page of this site and you will get view of the state in palestine....
I have to say bravo on this site, a friend of mine posted one of you videos on his profile and i have been addicted ever since. Let the truth be told, to all! As for your question as to how to get the word out to the masses, maybe take a tour of colleges in the middle east and europe giving open lectures on the subject. The reason i suggest Europe and not the US is that its a more open forum to talk politics, and you wont be hated for your facts.
Stop spreading your propaganda and lies. Your website is a joke. It's clear that your purpose is to mislead and misdirect people away from the truth. You're just another government front to cover up the truth about 9/11. 9/11= FALSE FLAG Inside Job carried out by ISRAEL with U.S. cooperation, just like the attack on USS Liberty. You have blood on your hands for supporting the criminals.
Tom, are you Jewish? You need to disclose this. My guess is that you are. I am Jewish and am disgusted that Israel was directly involved with 9/11. You claim Israel was indirectly involved which is not true. They were the main perpetrators with insider help from the U.S. This was the USS Liberty false flag attack all over again. Just because I am Jewish does not mean I support what my people are doing to the world. In fact, I am ashamed by such.
And WHY did investigations into 9/11 and USS Liberty get mysteriously de-Israelized? Because our government is addicted to Jewish contributions to their re-election campaigns, which form possibly over 50% of donated monies in national-level elections. STRIKE THE ROOT with public campaign financing. The corporate media say zero about it because they want campaign ad revenues, among other reasons. And incumbent politicians don't want to lose their incumbent advantage in fund-raising. Therefore it's up to the GRASS ROOTS to spread the word and support Clean Elections organizations. Anything else is mere gnashing of teeth.
Don't be Affraid, tell the truth and Muslims will back you up from those coward jews.
they hide behind your back!
and we will Eliminate them for sure.
Don't be Affraid, tell the truth and Muslims will back you up from those coward jews.
they hide behind your back!
and we will Eliminate them for sure.
the jews want to occupy our holy Mosque Al-Aqsa..
we didn't kill for no reasons.
We defend our country, land, and the most important is OUR RELIGION!
I believe you'll do the same, DEFEND IT WITH THE LAST DROP OF OUR BLOOD!!
keep it up, we know that you are revealing the truth that zionists trying to hide. truth should be told everywhere about what Isreal doing and about all the lies that Isreal trying to make people think that it is facts and the only fact here is that Jews who are taking over the media in USA succeded in making americans think that Isreal is the victim. Isreal is the terrorist, Isreal is the cause of all trouble in this word and america by supporting Isreal became an enemy for billions of poeple around the word and many people hate america just like isreal because of it's support for this terrist county who is killing innocent poeple in their lant since 60 years.
The American Federal Reserve along with most of the worlds centralized banks is owned and sponsored by The Jewish Rothschild family. The family has a history of manipulation and orchestrating war, for ex. WW1, WW2 for their own goals. This family is the head of the Illuminati, their goal is world domination.
If you want some interesting reading
I love You God Bless Your heart , Am a Palestinian studying in the USA , my family is in Gaza right now and i couldn't do anything while they were attacked by Israel ...
But we have God is supporting us that's the important thing ...
As for your Links i always watch this and i respect you so much ...
Your an angle and please save Us and be there for us we really need you :(
Im scared about the movie Zietgiest and the way poeple are so willing to believe it. I dont want revolution in America.
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