Michael Moore played the same game the 9/11 Commissioners admit they played. "In their view, listing U.S. support for Israel as a root cause of al Qaeda's opposition to the United States indicated that the United States should reassess that policy." (this is a quote from the book "Without Precedent" by 9/11 Commissioners Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton) Both Michael Moore, with his movie "Fahrenheit 911" and the 9/11 Commissioners with their "9/11 Rerport" misdirected many Americans away from the undeniable motive which Philip D. Zelikow, the Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, mentioned in his Staff Statement before the 9/11 Commission: "the al Qaeda leader wanted to punish the United States for supporting Israel."

Michael Moore, the MSM and others, for example an editor at crooksandliars.com, keep censoring mention of the main motive. Yes, Philip D. Zelikow said the above quote to the 9/11 Commission BUT if you look at what made it into the 9/11 Report, they paraphrase the sentences before and after the above sentence YET they skip mention of his sentence about the al Qaeda leader wanting to punish the United States for supporting Israel! And MICHAEL MOORE plays the same game making his seriously flawed movie "Fahrenheit 911."
Had more people been honest about the 9/11 motives and if people pointed out that Bush lied to the American people about why we were attacked on 9/11, I think it would have been harder for the Bush Administration to sell the Iraq War.
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