"Omitted are the inconvenient facts that the US-Israel are not only dedicated to the destruction of any viable Palestinian state, but are steadily implementing those policies. Or that unlike the two rejectionist states, Hamas has called for a two-state settlement in terms of the international consensus: publicly, repeatedly, explicitly." - Obama on Israel-Palestine, Noam Chomsky, chomsky.info, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hamas is in agreement with basically the rest of world
The United States and Israel have been rejecting the two-state settlement solution, a solution to the peace process which has been agreed to by basically the whole world. Unlike the United States and Israel, Hamas is in agreement with basically the rest of world in calling for this two-state settlement solution and Hamas has done so publicly, repeatedly, and explicitly. This fact is omitted by Obama and other politicians, a fact Chomsky points out:
Sunday, January 25, 2009
"Zionist alleged actions"
The Youtuber going by the name "israelfnp" posts on my channel page complaining, "I see you know plenty about individual Zionist alleged actions against the Arabs who had declared war on the Jews since 1922 and before, RP. But the question is, do you give a rat's ass about any of the atrocities the Arabs committed to innocent Jews? No? Okay then."
[ The "fnp" in "israelfnp" stands for "facts not propaganda" if you can believe that.]
I reply:
AND against Jews, israelfnp, AND against Jews. I talk about "Zionist alleged actions" AGAINST JEWS TOO. And let me add: "Rabbi Shonfeld quotes the Zionist leader Yitzhak Greenbaum, who, after the war, stated: "When they asked me, couldn't you give money out of the United
Jewish Appeal funds for the rescue of Jews in Europe, I said, 'NO!' and I say again 'NO!' . . . one should resist this wave which pushes the Zionist activities to secondary importance." And israelfnp, don't give me this crap: "do you give a rat's ass about ..." Do you deny there's suppression of Zionist crimes? Do you deny that the media treat Zionism and Israel differently than other topics? *
Evidence of early Zionists' murderous refusal of a peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians is perhaps the most dramatic when it involves the killing of Jewish civilians. One of the victims on the list was Jacob de Haan, a Dutch Jew, killed for the "crime" of attempting to work out a peaceful solution between the new settlers and the local Palestinians in 1921. Their own records reveal them saying "another reason for assassinating him was that he was a homosexual."
If you are concerned about Jews then you should respect the history of Jews who actually did stand for justice. Some paid with their lives for insisting that racism is wrong. Zionists killed OTHER JEWS who dared point out what I am saying. The Hagana archives contain the names of 40 JEWS who were killed by Irgun and the Stern Group (Jewish terrorist groups). Look at the example of the anti-Zionist native Jewish inhabitant of Palestine who was assassinated as he left his synagogue in June 1924 by two Haganah agents (Jewish terrorists). As early as 1924 these sick racist Zionists killed Jews because they stood in the way of their racist plan. Even a religious Jew was targeted by Zionists as he left his synagogue. Noam Chomsky, The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians, p. 165
* "Hitchens wanted to choose his words carefully because talk of a Jewish lobby is another one of those dangerous topics, it's dangerous for Jews because it feeds the imaginations of real anti-Semites who believe in a world wide Jewish conspiracy. It's dangerous for those who would discuss Jewish political influence because they risk the charge of anti-Semitism. It's not like when you talk about lobbying organizations for say immigrants or the disabled or the Saudi Government for that matter. History, sensitivity and politics make talk of Israel and its supporters different and a lot more complicated. I'm John Donvan for Nightline in Washington." -broadcast 4/17/02 ABC's Nightline
[ The "fnp" in "israelfnp" stands for "facts not propaganda" if you can believe that.]
I reply:
AND against Jews, israelfnp, AND against Jews. I talk about "Zionist alleged actions" AGAINST JEWS TOO. And let me add: "Rabbi Shonfeld quotes the Zionist leader Yitzhak Greenbaum, who, after the war, stated: "When they asked me, couldn't you give money out of the United

Evidence of early Zionists' murderous refusal of a peaceful coexistence with the Palestinians is perhaps the most dramatic when it involves the killing of Jewish civilians. One of the victims on the list was Jacob de Haan, a Dutch Jew, killed for the "crime" of attempting to work out a peaceful solution between the new settlers and the local Palestinians in 1921. Their own records reveal them saying "another reason for assassinating him was that he was a homosexual."

If you are concerned about Jews then you should respect the history of Jews who actually did stand for justice. Some paid with their lives for insisting that racism is wrong. Zionists killed OTHER JEWS who dared point out what I am saying. The Hagana archives contain the names of 40 JEWS who were killed by Irgun and the Stern Group (Jewish terrorist groups). Look at the example of the anti-Zionist native Jewish inhabitant of Palestine who was assassinated as he left his synagogue in June 1924 by two Haganah agents (Jewish terrorists). As early as 1924 these sick racist Zionists killed Jews because they stood in the way of their racist plan. Even a religious Jew was targeted by Zionists as he left his synagogue. Noam Chomsky, The Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians, p. 165
* "Hitchens wanted to choose his words carefully because talk of a Jewish lobby is another one of those dangerous topics, it's dangerous for Jews because it feeds the imaginations of real anti-Semites who believe in a world wide Jewish conspiracy. It's dangerous for those who would discuss Jewish political influence because they risk the charge of anti-Semitism. It's not like when you talk about lobbying organizations for say immigrants or the disabled or the Saudi Government for that matter. History, sensitivity and politics make talk of Israel and its supporters different and a lot more complicated. I'm John Donvan for Nightline in Washington." -broadcast 4/17/02 ABC's Nightline
Friday, January 23, 2009
Comments I post on my channel page disappear
MANY TIMES, comments I post on my channel page disappear. Here is another one that I tried to repost (the original did stay but I reposted it because "Israelfnp" is playing a game pretending that I don't respond to him) Here is my response:
israelfnp, you keep posting falsehoods like "Hamas did nothing to crack down" on rockets. I posted a reply debunking it and you ignored it:
The fact is Hamas not only DIDN'T launch any rockets until Israel broke the truce, they arrested people who did. "Hamas arrested three Palestinians who fired rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip." "Al Aqsa said it launched two Qassam rockets at the western Negev in retaliation for the Israel Defense Force's killing of an unarmed member of the group as he tried to cross a border fence into Israel earlier in the day. His death marked the first fatality along the Israel-Gaza border since the beginning of the Egypt-brokered truce on June 19." Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesman, ADMITS Hamas fired no rockets at Israel during the cease fire June to November 4th 2008. An IICC document provided by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ADMITS the same thing.
israelfnp, you keep posting falsehoods like "Hamas did nothing to crack down" on rockets. I posted a reply debunking it and you ignored it:
The fact is Hamas not only DIDN'T launch any rockets until Israel broke the truce, they arrested people who did. "Hamas arrested three Palestinians who fired rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip." "Al Aqsa said it launched two Qassam rockets at the western Negev in retaliation for the Israel Defense Force's killing of an unarmed member of the group as he tried to cross a border fence into Israel earlier in the day. His death marked the first fatality along the Israel-Gaza border since the beginning of the Egypt-brokered truce on June 19." Mark Regev, the Israeli government spokesman, ADMITS Hamas fired no rockets at Israel during the cease fire June to November 4th 2008. An IICC document provided by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs ADMITS the same thing.
President Obama, do the right thing!
New Video:
President Obama, do the right thing! Appointing pro-Israeli hawks isn't change we can believe in.
A Dec, 2008 article in Haaretz mentions Kurtzer's background:
"President-elect Barack Obama is considering the appointment of Daniel Kurtzer, former American Ambassador to Egypt (1997-2001) and Israel (2001-2005), to become his administration's presidential envoy to the Middle East, a senior Israeli diplomatic source said this week."
Obama mulls ex-ambassador to Israel, Daniel Kurtzer, as special Mideast envoy
CSU Northridge Student Julia Riber Pitt conducted an interview with Prof. Noam Chomsky, about the likely direction of Obama's foreign policy. It took place on 1.13.09 in his office at MIT, Cambridge, MA. Recorded and edited by Charngchi Way
President Obama, do the right thing! Appointing pro-Israeli hawks isn't change we can believe in.

A Dec, 2008 article in Haaretz mentions Kurtzer's background:
"President-elect Barack Obama is considering the appointment of Daniel Kurtzer, former American Ambassador to Egypt (1997-2001) and Israel (2001-2005), to become his administration's presidential envoy to the Middle East, a senior Israeli diplomatic source said this week."
Obama mulls ex-ambassador to Israel, Daniel Kurtzer, as special Mideast envoy
CSU Northridge Student Julia Riber Pitt conducted an interview with Prof. Noam Chomsky, about the likely direction of Obama's foreign policy. It took place on 1.13.09 in his office at MIT, Cambridge, MA. Recorded and edited by Charngchi Way
Saturday, January 17, 2009
"Biases"? The Real Issue is: Is It Accurate or Not?
Janprops, you complained about me citing Richard Falk, United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Territories, arguing that, "biases can steer even the most genius people into the hole of stupidity." As Falk says in the video I posted,
"the real issue is: is what I've said in the reports and what I've written true or not, is it accurate or not?" And it is true, mainstream media has apparently mislead you by not presenting the facts. Is that what the problem is? Are you so unfamiliar with these things that you think people who simply state these facts must "blindly hate Israel?" I think you're too eager to dismiss what you don't want to hear that you claim people have "biases" when they report on what Israel is doing, about the ongoing cruelty and unlawfulness of the Gaza blockade imposed by Israel. Falk, who is Jewish, explained that, "such a policy of collective punishment, initiated by Israel to punish Gazans for political developments within the Gaza strip, constitutes a continuing flagrant and massive violation of international humanitarian law as laid down in Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention."
I thought a previous post made it clear that the media is not telling you the whole story. See how Israel mistreated Falk. Notice how mainstream media was unwilling to report what Israel did to Falk? Why didn't they interview him? And it was Israel which broke the cease-fire, why is nearly all mainstream media not making that clear? (CNN's Rick Sanchez mentioned it yet the media trend is still to play the game that it wasn't Israel who broke the ceasefire, even on CNN they still play that game!)
Stephen Shalom has written a good article which answers many questions (over 30 questions) about what Israel is doing to Gaza. You questioned if Israel can still be considered an occupying power in Gaza, Shalom answers this in question 3, "Hasn't Israel withdrawn from Gaza, thereby ending its occupation?":
The Israeli withdrawal did not end the occupation. As John Dugard, the UN's then special rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, noted in 2006:

I thought a previous post made it clear that the media is not telling you the whole story. See how Israel mistreated Falk. Notice how mainstream media was unwilling to report what Israel did to Falk? Why didn't they interview him? And it was Israel which broke the cease-fire, why is nearly all mainstream media not making that clear? (CNN's Rick Sanchez mentioned it yet the media trend is still to play the game that it wasn't Israel who broke the ceasefire, even on CNN they still play that game!)
Stephen Shalom has written a good article which answers many questions (over 30 questions) about what Israel is doing to Gaza. You questioned if Israel can still be considered an occupying power in Gaza, Shalom answers this in question 3, "Hasn't Israel withdrawn from Gaza, thereby ending its occupation?":
The Israeli withdrawal did not end the occupation. As John Dugard, the UN's then special rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, noted in 2006:
Statements by the Government of Israel that the withdrawal ended the occupation of Gaza are grossly inaccurate. Even before the commencement of 'Operation Summer Rains,' following the capture of Corporal Shalit, Gaza remained under the effective control of Israel. This control was manifested in a number of ways. Israel retained control of Gaza's air space, sea space and external borders. Although a special arrangement was made for the opening of the Rafah border crossing to Egypt, to be monitored by European Union personnel, all other crossings remained largely closed.... The actions of IDF [Israeli Defense Force] in respect of Gaza have clearly demonstrated that modern technology allows an occupying Power to effectively control a territory even without a military presence. [John Dugard, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, report transmitted by the Secretary General, "Situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967," UN General Assembly doc. A/61/470, Sept. 27, 2006.]On November 20, 2008, Human Rights Watch wrote to Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, stating, among other things,
"Even though Israel withdrew its permanent military forces and settlers in 2005, it remains an occupying power in Gaza under international law because it continues to exercise effective day-to-day control over key aspects of life in Gaza." [Human Rights Watch, "Letter to Olmert: Stop the Blockade of Gaza," Nov. 20, 2008.]If Israel had truly withdrawn from Gaza, then Israel could not prohibit Gaza from trading by sea or air with other nations, bar people from sailing or flying in to or out of Gaza, overfly Gazan airspace or patrol its coastal waters, or declare "no go zones" within Gaza. Israel also controls Gaza's Population Registry and collects import duties on any goods it allows into Gaza. [Sari Bashi and Kenneth Mann, Disengaged Occupiers: The Legal Status of Gaza, Tel Aviv: Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement, Jan. 2007.]
Friday, January 16, 2009
Why did Obama feel the need to appease hard core Zionists at AIPAC?
Why did Obama feel the need to appease hard core Zionists at AIPAC by making such a hawkish declaration about Jerusalem? Did Obama write that part of his speech himself? And if not, who did?* SEE UPDATE
Obama was so eager to please AIPAC that he said, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided" but the next day he backed away from his hard core Zionist statement having a campaign adviser clarify his position.
The Jerusalem Post pointed out that Obama had "staked out some hawkish positions, declaring that 'Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided' ... to rousing applause from the 7,000-plus attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference."
The day after making that outrageous declaration at the AIPAC meeting, Obama backed away from it. The Jerusalem Post reported on how top Zionists were pleased with Obama's declaration at the AIPAC meeting and didn't like him backing away from it, "Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and another Jewish activist who had originally lauded Obama's statement, now called the candidate's words 'troubling.'"
"Many on the right of the political spectrum among America's Jews welcomed Obama's remarks at AIPAC, but the clarification of his position left several cold."
What they didn't like is the Obama campaign now saying he wouldn't rule out "the city also serving as the capital of a Palestinian state or Palestinian sovereignty over Arab neighborhoods."
Pass it on: Tinyurl.com/ObamaJerusalem
Obama was so eager to please AIPAC that he said, "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided" but the next day he backed away from his hard core Zionist statement having a campaign adviser clarify his position.
The Jerusalem Post pointed out that Obama had "staked out some hawkish positions, declaring that 'Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided' ... to rousing applause from the 7,000-plus attendees at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference."
The day after making that outrageous declaration at the AIPAC meeting, Obama backed away from it. The Jerusalem Post reported on how top Zionists were pleased with Obama's declaration at the AIPAC meeting and didn't like him backing away from it, "Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America and another Jewish activist who had originally lauded Obama's statement, now called the candidate's words 'troubling.'"
"Many on the right of the political spectrum among America's Jews welcomed Obama's remarks at AIPAC, but the clarification of his position left several cold."
What they didn't like is the Obama campaign now saying he wouldn't rule out "the city also serving as the capital of a Palestinian state or Palestinian sovereignty over Arab neighborhoods."
Pass it on: Tinyurl.com/ObamaJerusalem
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A few of my posts have disappeared too.
janprops asked, "hey I wrote more in between, where did that go? Did you delete it? " and "I wrote more stuff, why does it keep disappearing?" And janprops posted this, "that's not fair,I wrote more but it doesn't get posted every time I press Post Comment"
I tried to reply with this post: "No. A few of my posts have disappeared too. Some sort of glitch I don't know? I actually captured video of it happening to me, I probably should upload that to show others. I wish Youtube would fix or do what needs to be done so all posts remain if we want them. " BUT THAT DIDN'T STAY EITHER!
(This is about the posts at my YouTube channel page)
Here is another thing that I could not get posted without it disappearing:
Here's another attempt at posting my message: I'm using 'stoplyingtous' when using wifi, israelfnp. So you're agreeing with me that jimiydoorshamelech lied and now you're asking for more examples?
I tried to reply with this post: "No. A few of my posts have disappeared too. Some sort of glitch I don't know? I actually captured video of it happening to me, I probably should upload that to show others. I wish Youtube would fix or do what needs to be done so all posts remain if we want them. " BUT THAT DIDN'T STAY EITHER!
(This is about the posts at my YouTube channel page)
Here is another thing that I could not get posted without it disappearing:
Here's another attempt at posting my message: I'm using 'stoplyingtous' when using wifi, israelfnp. So you're agreeing with me that jimiydoorshamelech lied and now you're asking for more examples?
Sunday, January 11, 2009
War Crimes such as Indiscriminate Killings, Massacres and Rapes
"Commenting on the founding of Israel, Senior Lecturer of Military History in the IDF Aryeh Yitzhaki says, "a generation has passed, and it is now possible to face the ocean of lies in which we were brought up. In almost every conquered village in the War of Independence, acts were committed, which are defined as war crimes, such as indiscriminate killings, massacres and rapes." Yitzhaki is cited in the Israeli paper, Ha'ir, by Guy Erlich in his May 6, 1992 article, "Not Only Deir Yassin." Deir Yassin was an Arab village whose inhabitants were massacred by Zionist militia in 1948" - The Witchhunts Continue, Columbia University and the New Anti-Semitism
By M. Junaid Alam
"Officer Moshe apparently understood what had happened, conducted a quick debriefing, and afterward, in the dining room, was heard to say that "three soldiers raped the Arab girl." He ordered her to be brought to the staff hut. ... Sergeant Michael asked the platoon commander what to do with her. Officer Moshe ordered him to execute the girl.
"On October 29, 2003, a leading Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, reported a rape-murder that occurred more than fifty years ago at Nirim, an Israeli military outpost in the Negev. The victim was a Palestinian girl, in her early or mid-teens, or younger; the perpetrators of this crime were members of the Israeli Defense Force. Six days later, The Guardian also reported this crime, but US papers did not think this was news that is fit for print. In the United States, the media prefers to shield Israel from adverse notice." - Voiding the Palestinians An Allegory by M. Shahid Alam
By M. Junaid Alam
"Officer Moshe apparently understood what had happened, conducted a quick debriefing, and afterward, in the dining room, was heard to say that "three soldiers raped the Arab girl." He ordered her to be brought to the staff hut. ... Sergeant Michael asked the platoon commander what to do with her. Officer Moshe ordered him to execute the girl.
... I took the Arab female captive. On the first night the soldiers abused her and the next day I saw fit to remove her from the world.- 'I saw fit to remove her from the world' By Aviv Lavie and Moshe Gorali haaretz.com
Signed: Moshe, second lieutenant."
"On October 29, 2003, a leading Israeli daily, Ha'aretz, reported a rape-murder that occurred more than fifty years ago at Nirim, an Israeli military outpost in the Negev. The victim was a Palestinian girl, in her early or mid-teens, or younger; the perpetrators of this crime were members of the Israeli Defense Force. Six days later, The Guardian also reported this crime, but US papers did not think this was news that is fit for print. In the United States, the media prefers to shield Israel from adverse notice." - Voiding the Palestinians An Allegory by M. Shahid Alam
Friday, January 09, 2009
Zionist ideology and militaristic strategy to control all of Palestine
"The picture changes when history matters. Treating Israeli war crimes as historically detached events, unrelated to its Zionist ideology and militaristic strategy to control all of Palestine, becomes more transparent each day." - Gaza: History Matters by Elaine C. Hagopian
Hagopian points out that Israel rejects "accepting Palestinian rights under international law." Yes, that's true. And notice how mainstream media ignores this too. This is a very important issue. More people need to know these things. American TV viewers need to know about Israeli Violations of International Law and about the fact that there are Jews speaking out against Israeli war crimes. We need to reach more people.
Hagopian points out that Israel rejects "accepting Palestinian rights under international law." Yes, that's true. And notice how mainstream media ignores this too. This is a very important issue. More people need to know these things. American TV viewers need to know about Israeli Violations of International Law and about the fact that there are Jews speaking out against Israeli war crimes. We need to reach more people.
Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UN ceasefire call
Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UN ceasefire call
"Reuters reports that despite the resolution, Israel gave no indication that it would heed the UN's call for a cease-fire."
"The Associated Press reports that the UN resolution, which passed the Security Council 14 votes to 0, calls for "an immediate, durable and fully respected cease-fire, leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza." The United States, Israel's principal ally, abstained from the vote, though US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the US "fully supports" the resolution." - Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UN ceasefire call
This time the US didn't veto, it abstained. "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice cast the sole abstention but said the United States supports the text and objectives of the resolution." - As U.S. Abstains, U.N. Security Council Calls for Cease-Fire
"Reuters reports that despite the resolution, Israel gave no indication that it would heed the UN's call for a cease-fire."
"The Associated Press reports that the UN resolution, which passed the Security Council 14 votes to 0, calls for "an immediate, durable and fully respected cease-fire, leading to the full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza." The United States, Israel's principal ally, abstained from the vote, though US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the US "fully supports" the resolution." - Israel continues bombing Gaza despite UN ceasefire call
This time the US didn't veto, it abstained. "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice cast the sole abstention but said the United States supports the text and objectives of the resolution." - As U.S. Abstains, U.N. Security Council Calls for Cease-Fire
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Open Letter to Israeli Soldiers: Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop War Crimes
See video and pass it on: Open Letter to Israeli Soldiers: Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop War Crimes
Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop war crimes
We Jews in the international community call upon Israeli soldiers to raise the Black Flag of Illegality over the operations against the people of Gaza.
We refuse to remain silent while Israeli leaders force Israeli soldiers to commit war crimes: crimes against humanity for which they will one day be called to account. Israeli soldiers of conscience can, and must, stop this dangerous, illegal, and immoral war.
This criminal activity does nothing to advance the health and welfare of Jews. Rather, from Sderot to Sydney, from Ashkelon to Amsterdam, we will all benefit when there is justice for Palestinians.
Therefore, we call on you to use all measures possible to stop these atrocities against the Palestinian people. Flagrantly illegal orders must not simply be disobeyed, but actively and effectively opposed.
We members of the international Jewish community call on you, the Israeli soldiers of conscience, to halt the Israeli war machine, which only you can, and must, do.
Signed, You can sign too, click here
Jews call on Israeli soldiers to stop war crimes
We Jews in the international community call upon Israeli soldiers to raise the Black Flag of Illegality over the operations against the people of Gaza.
We refuse to remain silent while Israeli leaders force Israeli soldiers to commit war crimes: crimes against humanity for which they will one day be called to account. Israeli soldiers of conscience can, and must, stop this dangerous, illegal, and immoral war.
This criminal activity does nothing to advance the health and welfare of Jews. Rather, from Sderot to Sydney, from Ashkelon to Amsterdam, we will all benefit when there is justice for Palestinians.
Therefore, we call on you to use all measures possible to stop these atrocities against the Palestinian people. Flagrantly illegal orders must not simply be disobeyed, but actively and effectively opposed.
We members of the international Jewish community call on you, the Israeli soldiers of conscience, to halt the Israeli war machine, which only you can, and must, do.
Signed, You can sign too, click here
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Hundreds more people?
In a comment to my video Israel Attacks Gaza, Silence from Mainstream Media about Israeli Violations of International Law, a YouTuber called You4test posted this in a comment, "how many israelis have been dead by the so-called hamas rocket attacks? only 6 israeli died? how about palestinian "550+". Clearly proves who is the victim of war. Even the CNN and C-Span exposed Israel's crimes." Replying to You4test, aricane54 argues, "first of all, wow you couldnt be less informed. Your looking at how many have died by rockets in israel SINCE this war began. Hundreds more people have died by hamas rockets since 2006, way before this war began."
In response to aricane54's erroneous argument I wrote, "aricane54, YOU ARE SERIOUSLY MISINFORMED! "hundreds of people" have NOT died by Hamas rockets since 2006! NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Here's the facts: Up until Israel's current attack of Dec. 27th, rocket and mortar attacks since late 2005 have killed 10 Israelis. During the 6 month truce, no Israelis were killed. After the Israeli attacks were launched on Dec. 27th, 4 have been killed.
Aricane54 questioned what I wrote, "representativepress, you think that 10 israelis have been killed by rockets? have you even followed the situation in israel before this war started? what about the rockets fired at sderot, ashkelon, beer sheva, only 10? cmon, lets do a little better research than that. Second of all, it doesnt matter how many were killed, it matters that the rockets were fired. It gave israel an incentive to attack, so maybe they didnt get lucky and didnt hit anyone with a rocket..they were still fired"
I replied that, "I write that because that is the statistic which FAIR uses and they are quoting theisraelproject. Now PLEASE stop for a minute and think about how distorted a view the media has given you of the situation with Israel and Gaza. Could you at least consider reexamining what it is you assume you know? I have to tell you, the mass media has mislead you."
In response to aricane54's erroneous argument I wrote, "aricane54, YOU ARE SERIOUSLY MISINFORMED! "hundreds of people" have NOT died by Hamas rockets since 2006! NOT EVEN CLOSE!
Here's the facts: Up until Israel's current attack of Dec. 27th, rocket and mortar attacks since late 2005 have killed 10 Israelis. During the 6 month truce, no Israelis were killed. After the Israeli attacks were launched on Dec. 27th, 4 have been killed.
Aricane54 questioned what I wrote, "representativepress, you think that 10 israelis have been killed by rockets? have you even followed the situation in israel before this war started? what about the rockets fired at sderot, ashkelon, beer sheva, only 10? cmon, lets do a little better research than that. Second of all, it doesnt matter how many were killed, it matters that the rockets were fired. It gave israel an incentive to attack, so maybe they didnt get lucky and didnt hit anyone with a rocket..they were still fired"
I replied that, "I write that because that is the statistic which FAIR uses and they are quoting theisraelproject. Now PLEASE stop for a minute and think about how distorted a view the media has given you of the situation with Israel and Gaza. Could you at least consider reexamining what it is you assume you know? I have to tell you, the mass media has mislead you."
Monday, January 05, 2009
NYT not fair and balanced
Jonathan Schwarz makes the point that the New York Times is not fair and balanced when it comes to reporting on Israel and Gaza. Schwarz gives an example of how a slideshow of Israel/Palestine pictures on the NYT website misrepresents what is going on. He notes that, "During the current conflict, the ratio of dead Palestinians to dead Israelis is about 100-1." (Yet you wouldn't get that impression from the NYT slideshow, the NYT is presenting an extremely distorted picture of what Israel is doing.)
Commenting on Schwarz's blog entry, someone called "Fritz" tries to make excuses for the NYT's bias: "Maybe someone at the NY Times remembers the photos of Palestinian celebrations on 9/11."
And of course no one remembers photos of Israelis celebrating the 9/11 attacks right here in America because the media didn't publish them. A witness in New Jersey said she saw 5 Israelis (Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari) taking video or photos of themselves smiling with the World Trade Center burning in the background. These men were arrested and their cameras were seized. I have seen videos and pictures seized by police shown on TV before, why not in this case? One of the photographs developed by the FBI showed Sivan Kurzberg holding a lit lighter in the foreground, with the smoldering wreckage in the background, said Steven Noah Gordon, a lawyer for the five Israelis. Why didn't the media want to show the American public the images of Israelis celebrating RIGHT HERE AMONG US? Also, why did mainstream media keep silent about it?
It took months before it was even mentioned on mainstream TV and when it finally was mentioned, the pictures of the Israelis were still not shown. When it was mentioned, it was in the context of explaining it away, they broadcast their lawyer's excuse that it was simply immaturity! No such explanation was given for the Palestinians who were for the most part literally immature because they were actually children.
The Israelis were adult men here in our country. The mainstream media suppressed this story. Six months later ABC mentions it in an attempt to explain it away. The media reported the excuse given by the Israeli's lawyers which was to say it was simply immaturity! "... no one has been able to find a good explanation for why they may have been smiling with the towers of the World Trade Center burning in the background. Both the lawyers for the young men and the Israeli Embassy chalk it up to immature conduct."
A woman who watched the Israelis celebrating through binoculars said to ABC News that the men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.
And besides all that, Fritz's excuse does not justify the NYT bias which, as Schwarz points out, has been going on for forty years.
Commenting on Schwarz's blog entry, someone called "Fritz" tries to make excuses for the NYT's bias: "Maybe someone at the NY Times remembers the photos of Palestinian celebrations on 9/11."
And of course no one remembers photos of Israelis celebrating the 9/11 attacks right here in America because the media didn't publish them. A witness in New Jersey said she saw 5 Israelis (Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari) taking video or photos of themselves smiling with the World Trade Center burning in the background. These men were arrested and their cameras were seized. I have seen videos and pictures seized by police shown on TV before, why not in this case? One of the photographs developed by the FBI showed Sivan Kurzberg holding a lit lighter in the foreground, with the smoldering wreckage in the background, said Steven Noah Gordon, a lawyer for the five Israelis. Why didn't the media want to show the American public the images of Israelis celebrating RIGHT HERE AMONG US? Also, why did mainstream media keep silent about it?
It took months before it was even mentioned on mainstream TV and when it finally was mentioned, the pictures of the Israelis were still not shown. When it was mentioned, it was in the context of explaining it away, they broadcast their lawyer's excuse that it was simply immaturity! No such explanation was given for the Palestinians who were for the most part literally immature because they were actually children.

A woman who watched the Israelis celebrating through binoculars said to ABC News that the men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men's faces. "They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange," she said.
And besides all that, Fritz's excuse does not justify the NYT bias which, as Schwarz points out, has been going on for forty years.
Solutions? This is something that could really help the "peace process" in the Middle East
Want to REALLY help the "peace process" achieve real peace AND justice? How about respecting the Right of Return like Israel promised to do as a condition of being admitted into the UN? (It would definitely remove the anger from millions and remove any motivation for violence from countless people.) Israel was accepted into the United Nations on condition that it accept the Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees. Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations (General Assembly Resolution 273 of May 11, 1949 ) requires Israel to comply with General Assembly Resolution 194 of December 11, 1948 and Israel stated it agreed to comply with this resolution. But of course they immediately refused because the racist agenda of the Zionists is to remove as many non-Jews as possible.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Israel Attacks Gaza, Silence from Mainstream Media about Israeli Violations of International Law
See Video: Israel Attacks Gaza, Silence from Mainstream Media about Israeli Violations of International Law

" It seemed that Israel wanted to teach me, and more significantly, the UN a lesson: there will be no cooperation with those who make strong criticisms of Israel's occupation policy. After being denied entry, I was put in a holding room with about 20 others experiencing entry problems. At this point, I was treated not as a UN representative, but as some sort of security threat, subjected to an inch-by-inch body search and the most meticulous luggage inspection I have ever witnessed.
I was separated from my two UN companions who were allowed to enter Israel and taken to the airport detention facility a mile or so away. I was required to put all my bags and cell phone in a room and taken to a locked tiny room that smelled of urine and filth. It contained five other detainees and was an unwelcome invitation to claustrophobia. I spent the next 15 hours so confined, which amounted to a cram course on the miseries of prison life, including dirty sheets, inedible food and lights that were too bright or darkness controlled from the guard office."- My expulsion from Israel by Richard Falk
(Falk issued a Dec. 9th statement about Gaza and was expelled from Israel on Dec. 15 after arriving on the 14th. Israel began it's huge bombing attack on Dec. 27)
"It is Dr. Falk's responsibility to report to the UN on conditions in the occupied territories. Israel is blocking him from carrying out this job. In an article that reads as if it rolled off the computers in Israel’s Government Press Office (no quotes by anyone friendly to Falk’s point of view, for instance), The New York Times, tells us Dr. Falk “has long been criticized in Israel for what many Israelis say [emphasis mine] are unfair and unpalatable views.” The blind attribution is typical." - Richard Falk, Israel and the New York Times, By Ellen Cantarow
(After Israel began it's recent attack, Falk issued a statement on Dec. 27):
"The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war." - Israel's War Crimes, by Richard Falk, United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Territories
See previous post: Israel Attacks Gaza Again
See Parts 1 & 2 : Israel Violating International Law & the Media Cover-up
Pass it on: Tinyurl.com/IsraelAttacksGaza

" It seemed that Israel wanted to teach me, and more significantly, the UN a lesson: there will be no cooperation with those who make strong criticisms of Israel's occupation policy. After being denied entry, I was put in a holding room with about 20 others experiencing entry problems. At this point, I was treated not as a UN representative, but as some sort of security threat, subjected to an inch-by-inch body search and the most meticulous luggage inspection I have ever witnessed.
I was separated from my two UN companions who were allowed to enter Israel and taken to the airport detention facility a mile or so away. I was required to put all my bags and cell phone in a room and taken to a locked tiny room that smelled of urine and filth. It contained five other detainees and was an unwelcome invitation to claustrophobia. I spent the next 15 hours so confined, which amounted to a cram course on the miseries of prison life, including dirty sheets, inedible food and lights that were too bright or darkness controlled from the guard office."- My expulsion from Israel by Richard Falk
(Falk issued a Dec. 9th statement about Gaza and was expelled from Israel on Dec. 15 after arriving on the 14th. Israel began it's huge bombing attack on Dec. 27)
"It is Dr. Falk's responsibility to report to the UN on conditions in the occupied territories. Israel is blocking him from carrying out this job. In an article that reads as if it rolled off the computers in Israel’s Government Press Office (no quotes by anyone friendly to Falk’s point of view, for instance), The New York Times, tells us Dr. Falk “has long been criticized in Israel for what many Israelis say [emphasis mine] are unfair and unpalatable views.” The blind attribution is typical." - Richard Falk, Israel and the New York Times, By Ellen Cantarow
(After Israel began it's recent attack, Falk issued a statement on Dec. 27):
"The Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip represent severe and massive violations of international humanitarian law as defined in the Geneva Conventions, both in regard to the obligations of an Occupying Power and in the requirements of the laws of war." - Israel's War Crimes, by Richard Falk, United Nations special rapporteur for human rights in the Occupied Territories
See previous post: Israel Attacks Gaza Again
See Parts 1 & 2 : Israel Violating International Law & the Media Cover-up
Pass it on: Tinyurl.com/IsraelAttacksGaza
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