Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Fear Creating Propaganda by Warmongering 60 Minutes
Fear Creating Propaganda by Warmongering 60 Minutes
Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
Friday, April 25, 2008
White House hiding the Truth
patricksmcnally writes, "What is watered down relative to the speeches up to September 28, 2001, is that in the later speeches Osama bin Laden, assuming it is him, effectively drops the theme of Jewish lobbying through the US media and politcal apparatus. If you want a parallel with intellectual trends here in the US, until September 28, 2001, bin Laden spoke in Mearsheimer/Walt terms. After October 7, 2001, bin Laden shifted to speaking in Chomskyesque terms. His speeches from this point onward carry many general statements against US interventionism overall and include Palestine/Israel within this category, but they no longer involve charges that: “This system is totally in the control of the American Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States.” The latter statement was made in the September 28, 2001, interview. Many statements similar to it appeared in earlier pre-911 interviews with bin Laden. But nothing like, as far I’ve been able to trace, has appeared since."
patricksmcnally, what he is complaining about, the specific policies, has remained consistent. What difference does it make if he thinks the policies are the result of this lobby or that influence? He could have even considered Chomsky's view more accurate as to why the politics are in place, that is not impossible. Chomsky did get more exposure after 9/11. He has read Chomsky and mentioned him by name so I don't see it as odd. The main point is that the powers that be in the US do not want the POLICIES discussed. Who would be and WHY in the world would they be making videos calling Bush a liar? "... the Mujahideen saw the black gang of thugs in the White House hiding the Truth, and their stupid and foolish leader, who is elected and supported by his people, denying reality and proclaiming that we (the Mujahideen) were striking them because we were jealous of them (the Americans), whereas the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries." -Osama Bin Laden , February 14 , 2003
Again, what you are doing is off on a tangent and away from the fact: a former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief is calling Bush and Clinton LIARS AND 9/11 Commissioners were more worried about protecting the policy of supporting Israel than fulfilling their mandate concerning 9/11.
patricksmcnally, what he is complaining about, the specific policies, has remained consistent. What difference does it make if he thinks the policies are the result of this lobby or that influence? He could have even considered Chomsky's view more accurate as to why the politics are in place, that is not impossible. Chomsky did get more exposure after 9/11. He has read Chomsky and mentioned him by name so I don't see it as odd. The main point is that the powers that be in the US do not want the POLICIES discussed. Who would be and WHY in the world would they be making videos calling Bush a liar? "... the Mujahideen saw the black gang of thugs in the White House hiding the Truth, and their stupid and foolish leader, who is elected and supported by his people, denying reality and proclaiming that we (the Mujahideen) were striking them because we were jealous of them (the Americans), whereas the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries." -Osama Bin Laden , February 14 , 2003
Again, what you are doing is off on a tangent and away from the fact: a former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief is calling Bush and Clinton LIARS AND 9/11 Commissioners were more worried about protecting the policy of supporting Israel than fulfilling their mandate concerning 9/11.
why isn't THIS something the "9/11 Truth" movement talks about?
patricksmcnally writes, "If you go back and review the comments which Osama had made in his interviews prior to October 7, 2001, you’ll see that the comments in later speeches really do merit the description of “a passing reference.” ... the statements attributed to Osama after October 7, 2001, have watered this down substantively. I’m not ready to say that proves that the later videos are all fake, but it does strike me as odd."
"I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine."
What is "watered down" about that? You ignored my point that if they were fake, wouldn't the liars who insist that it is "hatred of freedom" have made these tapes say such a thing? In tapes for years after 9/11, bin Laden has been saying things that the powers that be in the US do not want said so your point lacks internal logic. What in the world would be the point of creating these videos?
Why is there this constant attempt to deflect away from what we KNOW. You should take note of the fact that Michael Scheuer, the former Chief of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, says Bush is simply lying: "The politicians really are at great fault for not squaring with the American people. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live. And there's a huge burden of guilt to be laid at Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, both parties for simply lying to the American people." - Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief
Why isn't the "Truth Movement" dealing with THAT? Isn't that outrageous enough? Instead, the "Truth Movement" functions as a misdirection away from the fact that a former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief is calling Bush and Clinton LIARS.
And why is there an insistence not to deal with the betrayal of the 9/11 commissioners? Look at what they did, they failed to fulfill their mandate because commissioners "rejected mentioning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the report. In their view, listing U.S. support for Israel as a root cause of al Qaeda's opposition to the United States indicated that the United States should reassess that policy." Again, why isn't THIS something the "9/11 Truth" movement talks about?
"I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine."
What is "watered down" about that? You ignored my point that if they were fake, wouldn't the liars who insist that it is "hatred of freedom" have made these tapes say such a thing? In tapes for years after 9/11, bin Laden has been saying things that the powers that be in the US do not want said so your point lacks internal logic. What in the world would be the point of creating these videos?
Why is there this constant attempt to deflect away from what we KNOW. You should take note of the fact that Michael Scheuer, the former Chief of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, says Bush is simply lying: "The politicians really are at great fault for not squaring with the American people. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live. And there's a huge burden of guilt to be laid at Mr. Bush, Mr. Clinton, both parties for simply lying to the American people." - Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief
Why isn't the "Truth Movement" dealing with THAT? Isn't that outrageous enough? Instead, the "Truth Movement" functions as a misdirection away from the fact that a former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief is calling Bush and Clinton LIARS.
And why is there an insistence not to deal with the betrayal of the 9/11 commissioners? Look at what they did, they failed to fulfill their mandate because commissioners "rejected mentioning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the report. In their view, listing U.S. support for Israel as a root cause of al Qaeda's opposition to the United States indicated that the United States should reassess that policy." Again, why isn't THIS something the "9/11 Truth" movement talks about?
diverting enormous amounts if energy away from real crimes of the administration
realitydesign, that doesn't make sense, it is just convoluted reasoning. You think they are creating tapes, tapes which talk about the same grievances shared by millions, and they created these tapes to call themselves liars?
There is nothing elegant about your reasoning. And what "debate" do you think is happening? What I see is suppression, denial and misdirection about the actual motives. And the "9/11 Truth" movement has filled this role so perfectly that powerful people like it. Chomsky is right when he points out that the 9/11 truth movement is "treated so tolerantly" and he suspects that "people in positions of power like it."
He points out that "It's diverting enormous amounts if energy away from real crimes of the administration ... so much potential activist energy is directed into 9/11 discussions. From the point of view of power centers, that's great. We'll give these people exposure on C-SPAN and have their books right up front at the local bookstores. A pretty tolerant reaction. We sort of say we think it's a bad joke, but you don't get the kind of reaction you do when you really go after hard issues." p36, Chomsky, What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World
There is nothing elegant about your reasoning. And what "debate" do you think is happening? What I see is suppression, denial and misdirection about the actual motives. And the "9/11 Truth" movement has filled this role so perfectly that powerful people like it. Chomsky is right when he points out that the 9/11 truth movement is "treated so tolerantly" and he suspects that "people in positions of power like it."

"sandwiched in between."
Diane writes, "To Tom (representativepress): In support of your claim that al-Qaeda’s wrath at the U.S.A. is all about Israel, you linked to a post in which you quote bin Laden as saying, “we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries.” Note here that Israel (Palestine) is sandwiched in between Iraq and “the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries” (Saudi Arabia), where the U.S. had a bunch of military bases left over from the first Gulf War. So it isn’t just about Israel, but about the U.S.A.’s Middle East policy in general."
"In support of your claim that al-Qaeda’s wrath at the U.S.A. is all about Israel." - Diane
I have never said that Diane, try to find a quote that backs up your assertion. What I have written is clear as far as the 9/11 terrorists' motives. I have written that it is the main motive and I have written that "the MAIN issue was U.S. support of Israel and in all in all likelihood the terrorists would have concentrated on someplace else like Chechnya if the U.S. was not supporting Israel." I never said it was "ALL about Israel."
You write that I "linked to a post in which you quote bin Laden as saying, “we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries.”"
I not only linked to it, I quoted it in my post to you and I know what I am quoting. I am quoting what I have been quoting for years, which is the motives for the attacks. You are making a straw man argument.
Diane, again you have characterized what objectively is the second in a list of three things as "sandwiched in between." The phrase "sandwiched in between" is not an objective and neutral reference for what most people would call the second in a list of three things. It appears that you trying to downplay Israel as a motive.
Now sometimes bin Laden mentions Palestine first, sometimes second and sometimes third in the usual list of three grievances but as far as the main motive which motivated the 9/11 attack, look at statements from the hijackers, the mastermind of 9/11 and others:
The 9/11 report at least mentioned this about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,
the mastermind of 9/11 (although we know commissioners pressured to not include Israel as a motive for the attacks because they didn't want the American people to reassess the policy of supporting Israel): "By his own account, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's animus toward the United States stemmed not from his experiences there as a student, but rather from his violent disagreement with U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel." Chapter 5
The report also showed that the two terrorist pilots shared the same motivation. Both Mohammed Atta, the leader of the mission and terrorist pilot who crashed into World Trade Center 1, and Marwan al Shehhi, the terrorist pilot who crashed into WTC 2, were angry about what Israel was doing to the Palestinians: "when someone asked why he and Atta never laughed, Shehhi retorted, 'How can you laugh when people are dying in Palestine?'" p 162
In March of 2002, MSNBC aired "The Making of the Death Pilots." In that documentary, German friend Ralph Bodenstein who traveled, worked and talked a lot with Mohammed Atta. Ralph said, "He (Atta) was most imbued actually about Israeli politics in the region and about US protection of these Israeli politics in the region. And he was to a degree personally suffering from that."
Abdulaziz Alomari, one of the hijackers aboard Flight 11 with Mohammed Atta, said in his video will, "My work is a message those who heard me and to all those who saw me at the same time it is a message to the infidels that you should leave the Arabian peninsula defeated and stop giving a hand of help to the coward Jews in Palestine." Ahmed Al Haznawi, a hijacker aboard Flight 93, said in his video will, "Here is Palestine for more than a half-century, its wound has continued to bleed."
We see that the main motive is what many Middle East experts say is the main grievance in the Middle East which is what Israel has been doing to Palestine. It is not surprising that the main grievance in the Middle East is the main motive for the attacks. There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies he complains about.
"In support of your claim that al-Qaeda’s wrath at the U.S.A. is all about Israel." - Diane
I have never said that Diane, try to find a quote that backs up your assertion. What I have written is clear as far as the 9/11 terrorists' motives. I have written that it is the main motive and I have written that "the MAIN issue was U.S. support of Israel and in all in all likelihood the terrorists would have concentrated on someplace else like Chechnya if the U.S. was not supporting Israel." I never said it was "ALL about Israel."
You write that I "linked to a post in which you quote bin Laden as saying, “we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries.”"
I not only linked to it, I quoted it in my post to you and I know what I am quoting. I am quoting what I have been quoting for years, which is the motives for the attacks. You are making a straw man argument.
Diane, again you have characterized what objectively is the second in a list of three things as "sandwiched in between." The phrase "sandwiched in between" is not an objective and neutral reference for what most people would call the second in a list of three things. It appears that you trying to downplay Israel as a motive.
Now sometimes bin Laden mentions Palestine first, sometimes second and sometimes third in the usual list of three grievances but as far as the main motive which motivated the 9/11 attack, look at statements from the hijackers, the mastermind of 9/11 and others:
The 9/11 report at least mentioned this about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed,

The report also showed that the two terrorist pilots shared the same motivation. Both Mohammed Atta, the leader of the mission and terrorist pilot who crashed into World Trade Center 1, and Marwan al Shehhi, the terrorist pilot who crashed into WTC 2, were angry about what Israel was doing to the Palestinians: "when someone asked why he and Atta never laughed, Shehhi retorted, 'How can you laugh when people are dying in Palestine?'" p 162
In March of 2002, MSNBC aired "The Making of the Death Pilots." In that documentary, German friend Ralph Bodenstein who traveled, worked and talked a lot with Mohammed Atta. Ralph said, "He (Atta) was most imbued actually about Israeli politics in the region and about US protection of these Israeli politics in the region. And he was to a degree personally suffering from that."
Abdulaziz Alomari, one of the hijackers aboard Flight 11 with Mohammed Atta, said in his video will, "My work is a message those who heard me and to all those who saw me at the same time it is a message to the infidels that you should leave the Arabian peninsula defeated and stop giving a hand of help to the coward Jews in Palestine." Ahmed Al Haznawi, a hijacker aboard Flight 93, said in his video will, "Here is Palestine for more than a half-century, its wound has continued to bleed."
We see that the main motive is what many Middle East experts say is the main grievance in the Middle East which is what Israel has been doing to Palestine. It is not surprising that the main grievance in the Middle East is the main motive for the attacks. There is no evidence that bin Laden isn't actually angered by the specific foreign policies he complains about.
Only a passing reference to Israel?
"From the October 7, 2001, video, no mention at all of Jews directly, and only a passing reference to Israel" - patricksmcnally
patricksmcnally, I wanted to make a quick point. Even in the Oct. 7th video, bin Laden is doing a hell of a lot more than making a "passing reference to Israel." You should think this over and examine why you are trying to downplay the issue of Israel. Even the two things you did quote, neither of them is a "passing reference."
I think you know, when he refers to Palestine, or when others refer to Palestine, they are talking mainly about Israel, directly about what Israel does to Palestine. The references to Palestine ARE talking about the grievances caused by the injustices caused by Israel or Zionists. So the two things you quoted are not "passing references," they are a directly talking about the specific grievance of Israel's crimes.
And it simply is incorrect, to say the least, to characterize this as a "passing reference":
"I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine, and before all the army of infidels depart the land of Mohammad, peace be upon him." I say that is dramatic and direct and that alone disproves the point you are trying to make.
And there are other references in that particular speech which you overlooked. Right at the top, bin Laden refers to Palestine when he talks about the 80 years:
"and thanks be to God that what America is tasting now is only a copy of we have tasted. Our Islamic nation has been tasting the same for more 80 years, of humiliation and disgrace, its sons killed and their blood spilled, its sanctities desecrated. " (80 years ago was the 1921 Cairo Conference which dealt with British power over Palestine and Iraq and I don't know if it is a coincidence but September 11, 1922 is when the British mandate came into force over Palestine.)
Bin Laden also said this is that same speech:
"When those have stood in defense of their weak children, their brothers and sisters in Palestine and other Muslim nations, the whole world went into an uproar, the infidels followed by the hypocrites."
It is disturbing to see the "9/11 Truth" movement downplaying and misdirecting the public away from the real motives. This is the same thing liars like Thomas Friedman have been doing.
Friedman has been lying to the public for years. Back in 1998 he claimed that the terrorists make no specific demands, "no specific ideological program or demands." he claims and that it is just a "generalized hatred". Friedman has enormous influence over the public discourse and it looks like he's the one behind the "conventional wisdom" that bin Laden never focused on this issue of Palestine until recently. Friedman put that lie in his best selling book "Longitudes & Attitudes." Friedman claims, "the fact is that bin Laden never focused on this issue. He only started talking about "Palestine" after September 11, when he sensed that he might be losing the support of the Arab street. " (p311 of Longitudes & Attitudes ) and " Osama bin Laden never mentioned the Palestinian cause as motivating his actions until he felt he was losing support in the Arab world. " (p361-362 of Longitudes & Attitudes ) What Friedman has written is a flat out lie. To give just one example that disproves what Friedman wrote: "Your position against Muslims in Palestine is despicable and disgraceful. America has no shame. " - Osama bin Laden, May 1998. Also, Peter Bergen points out that lies have been pushed: "conventional wisdom has it that bin Laden adopted the Palestinians issue only recently. Reading this declaration [the first declaration of war, issued in 1996] SHOULD PUT THAT CANARD TO REST." p164 The Bin Laden I Know, Peter Bergen
It is beyond the pale for Zionists to lie to us about why we were attacked on 9/11.
patricksmcnally, I wanted to make a quick point. Even in the Oct. 7th video, bin Laden is doing a hell of a lot more than making a "passing reference to Israel." You should think this over and examine why you are trying to downplay the issue of Israel. Even the two things you did quote, neither of them is a "passing reference."
I think you know, when he refers to Palestine, or when others refer to Palestine, they are talking mainly about Israel, directly about what Israel does to Palestine. The references to Palestine ARE talking about the grievances caused by the injustices caused by Israel or Zionists. So the two things you quoted are not "passing references," they are a directly talking about the specific grievance of Israel's crimes.
And it simply is incorrect, to say the least, to characterize this as a "passing reference":
"I swear to God that America will not live in peace before peace reigns in Palestine, and before all the army of infidels depart the land of Mohammad, peace be upon him." I say that is dramatic and direct and that alone disproves the point you are trying to make.
And there are other references in that particular speech which you overlooked. Right at the top, bin Laden refers to Palestine when he talks about the 80 years:
"and thanks be to God that what America is tasting now is only a copy of we have tasted. Our Islamic nation has been tasting the same for more 80 years, of humiliation and disgrace, its sons killed and their blood spilled, its sanctities desecrated. " (80 years ago was the 1921 Cairo Conference which dealt with British power over Palestine and Iraq and I don't know if it is a coincidence but September 11, 1922 is when the British mandate came into force over Palestine.)
Bin Laden also said this is that same speech:
"When those have stood in defense of their weak children, their brothers and sisters in Palestine and other Muslim nations, the whole world went into an uproar, the infidels followed by the hypocrites."
It is disturbing to see the "9/11 Truth" movement downplaying and misdirecting the public away from the real motives. This is the same thing liars like Thomas Friedman have been doing.
Friedman has been lying to the public for years. Back in 1998 he claimed that the terrorists make no specific demands, "no specific ideological program or demands." he claims and that it is just a "generalized hatred". Friedman has enormous influence over the public discourse and it looks like he's the one behind the "conventional wisdom" that bin Laden never focused on this issue of Palestine until recently. Friedman put that lie in his best selling book "Longitudes & Attitudes." Friedman claims, "the fact is that bin Laden never focused on this issue. He only started talking about "Palestine" after September 11, when he sensed that he might be losing the support of the Arab street. " (p311 of Longitudes & Attitudes ) and " Osama bin Laden never mentioned the Palestinian cause as motivating his actions until he felt he was losing support in the Arab world. " (p361-362 of Longitudes & Attitudes ) What Friedman has written is a flat out lie. To give just one example that disproves what Friedman wrote: "Your position against Muslims in Palestine is despicable and disgraceful. America has no shame. " - Osama bin Laden, May 1998. Also, Peter Bergen points out that lies have been pushed: "conventional wisdom has it that bin Laden adopted the Palestinians issue only recently. Reading this declaration [the first declaration of war, issued in 1996] SHOULD PUT THAT CANARD TO REST." p164 The Bin Laden I Know, Peter Bergen
It is beyond the pale for Zionists to lie to us about why we were attacked on 9/11.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
See these YouTube Videos:*
- Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."
http://www.tinyurl.com/3htv9n - CBS's Scott Pelley Suppresses "War President's" Incompetence
Conflicting with the view of an inside-job being falsely attributed to al Qaeda
"If we for a moment accept that the video is authentic and has not somehow been crafted by the CIA or related agencies, then this is an instance of the alleged al Qaeda leadership taking credit for 911 even to the point of attacking the Iranian leadership for asserting the inside-job thesis. Doesn’t that conflict somewhat with the view of an inside-job being falsely attributed to al Qaeda?" - patricksmcnally
Yes, and basically everything conflicts with it being an "inside job." Bin Laden and others have been making statements for years saying why they attack the US. If US operatives were creating these tapes, then why don't the terrorists say they are attacking because they "hate freedom?" INSTEAD, we see things like this: In an Oct. 2004 speech, Osama bin Laden said that Bush is still misleading the American people by not telling us the real reason why al-Qeada attacks us. Bin Laden said that, "contrary to what [President George W.] Bush says and claims -- that we hate freedom --let him tell us then, "Why did we not attack Sweden?" It is known that those who hate freedom don't have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19." [The 19 hijackers of 9/11]
Bin Laden is angered by U.S. support for Israel and was angered when America gave permission for Israel to invade Lebanon. He is angered by the injustice and was determined to punish the transgressors. He decided "we have to punish the transgressor with the same -- and that we had to destroy the towers in America so that they taste what we tasted, and they stop killing our women and children."
Bin Laden has been consistent, this is from the 1997 interview:
REPORTER: Mr. Bin Ladin, you've declared a jihad against the United States. Can you tell us why? And is the jihad directed against the US government or the United States' troops in Arabia? What about US civilians in Arabia or the people of the United States?
BIN LADIN: We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation of the Prophet's Night Travel Land (Palestine).And we believe the US is directly responsible for those who were killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. The mention of the US reminds us before everything else of those innocent children who were dismembered, their heads and arms cut off in the recent explosion that took place in Qana (killings in Lebanon perpetrated by Israel)
"... the Mujahideen saw the black gang of thugs in the White House hiding the truth, and their stupid and foolish leader, who is elected and supported by his people, denying reality and proclaiming that we (the Mujahideen) were striking them because we were jealous of them (the Americans), whereas the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries." -Osama Bin Laden , February 14 , 2003
There are just so many statements talking about motive, does it make any sense for "the CIA or related agencies" to "craft" tapes which talk about a motive which Bush and other politicians work so hard to suppress? In fact, 9/11 Commissioners Bowed to Pressure to Suppress Main Motive for the 9/11 Attacks. If the tapes were fake, the terrorists would probably be saying "we hate your freedoms" but they don't, instead we hear grievances which turn out to be real injustices for which US politicians and policy makers are at fault.
Yes, and basically everything conflicts with it being an "inside job." Bin Laden and others have been making statements for years saying why they attack the US. If US operatives were creating these tapes, then why don't the terrorists say they are attacking because they "hate freedom?" INSTEAD, we see things like this: In an Oct. 2004 speech, Osama bin Laden said that Bush is still misleading the American people by not telling us the real reason why al-Qeada attacks us. Bin Laden said that, "contrary to what [President George W.] Bush says and claims -- that we hate freedom --let him tell us then, "Why did we not attack Sweden?" It is known that those who hate freedom don't have souls with integrity, like the souls of those 19." [The 19 hijackers of 9/11]
Bin Laden is angered by U.S. support for Israel and was angered when America gave permission for Israel to invade Lebanon. He is angered by the injustice and was determined to punish the transgressors. He decided "we have to punish the transgressor with the same -- and that we had to destroy the towers in America so that they taste what we tasted, and they stop killing our women and children."
Bin Laden has been consistent, this is from the 1997 interview:
REPORTER: Mr. Bin Ladin, you've declared a jihad against the United States. Can you tell us why? And is the jihad directed against the US government or the United States' troops in Arabia? What about US civilians in Arabia or the people of the United States?
BIN LADIN: We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation of the Prophet's Night Travel Land (Palestine).And we believe the US is directly responsible for those who were killed in Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. The mention of the US reminds us before everything else of those innocent children who were dismembered, their heads and arms cut off in the recent explosion that took place in Qana (killings in Lebanon perpetrated by Israel)
"... the Mujahideen saw the black gang of thugs in the White House hiding the truth, and their stupid and foolish leader, who is elected and supported by his people, denying reality and proclaiming that we (the Mujahideen) were striking them because we were jealous of them (the Americans), whereas the reality is that we are striking them because of their evil and injustice in the whole of the Islamic World, especially in Iraq and Palestine and their occupation of the Land of the Two Holy Sanctuaries." -Osama Bin Laden , February 14 , 2003
There are just so many statements talking about motive, does it make any sense for "the CIA or related agencies" to "craft" tapes which talk about a motive which Bush and other politicians work so hard to suppress? In fact, 9/11 Commissioners Bowed to Pressure to Suppress Main Motive for the 9/11 Attacks. If the tapes were fake, the terrorists would probably be saying "we hate your freedoms" but they don't, instead we hear grievances which turn out to be real injustices for which US politicians and policy makers are at fault.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Media Reform is probably the most important issue
Media Reform is probably the most important issue (See Video)

Look how US mainstream media is basically ignoring the news that the 15 British sailors detained by Iran last year were not in Iraqi waters (this is just the latest example of US mainstream media malpractice):
UK Gov't Caught in Apparent Lie Over Sailors Captured by Iran
ShortNews.com, Germany
"According to British military documents obtained under freedom of information laws, the 15 British sailors detained by Iran last year were not in Iraqi waters, as the government claimed, but in disputed waters that Iran claimed."
Des Browne ‘misled MPs over seizure of British sailors in the Gulf’
Times Online, UK
"The Defence Secretary has been accused of misleading Parliament over the capture of 15 British sailors and Marines in the Gulf last spring ... Mr Browne has told the Commons repeatedly that the patrolling Britons, who were held for a fortnight and paraded on Iranian television, were seized boarding a vessel in “Iraqi waters”."
‘UK sailors were in disputed waters’
Howrah News Service, India
Captured UK sailors were not in Iraqi waters, documents confirm
"Fifteen British sailors and marines captured by Iran last year were not in Iraq's maritime territory as the UK government claimed, official documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm. "
Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
I didn't learn about this from US mainstream media, I learned about it from tinyrevolution.com: The Times of London has gotten the British government to cough up documents on the incident last March where Iran seized British sailors and held them for several weeks.

Look how US mainstream media is basically ignoring the news that the 15 British sailors detained by Iran last year were not in Iraqi waters (this is just the latest example of US mainstream media malpractice):
UK Gov't Caught in Apparent Lie Over Sailors Captured by Iran
ShortNews.com, Germany
"According to British military documents obtained under freedom of information laws, the 15 British sailors detained by Iran last year were not in Iraqi waters, as the government claimed, but in disputed waters that Iran claimed."
Des Browne ‘misled MPs over seizure of British sailors in the Gulf’
Times Online, UK
"The Defence Secretary has been accused of misleading Parliament over the capture of 15 British sailors and Marines in the Gulf last spring ... Mr Browne has told the Commons repeatedly that the patrolling Britons, who were held for a fortnight and paraded on Iranian television, were seized boarding a vessel in “Iraqi waters”."
‘UK sailors were in disputed waters’
Howrah News Service, India
Captured UK sailors were not in Iraqi waters, documents confirm
"Fifteen British sailors and marines captured by Iran last year were not in Iraq's maritime territory as the UK government claimed, official documents released under the Freedom of Information Act confirm. "
Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
I didn't learn about this from US mainstream media, I learned about it from tinyrevolution.com: The Times of London has gotten the British government to cough up documents on the incident last March where Iran seized British sailors and held them for several weeks.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I am honestly anxious to hear your response
In response to faintstarlite's video, MeLikeGoFast writes, "I have a couple of questions to ask you, WOULD YOU HAVE TALKS WITH AL-QUEDA? Do you think that TALKING IS THE ANSWER TO ALL PROBLEMS? These are real questions and I am honestly anxious to hear your response. Thanks."
I read your comment to faintstarlite. Talking is a good idea and it should be PUBLIC. The minute that started the public would see Al-Qaeda demands that certain specific polices be stopped. Reasonable people would then look at these policies and see if the government has been honest with the American people and look to see if the polices are actually just.
Look into it, Bush and others LIED about why we were attacked in order to protect these policies. they lied because if the public realized what it was they were being attacked over, they would examine the policies to see if they are right. Turns out the policies are flat out wrong. The powers that people don't want the public to stop these policies so they lie to us and rob us of the freedom to decide if we want to be placed in harm's way because of them.
I read your comment to faintstarlite. Talking is a good idea and it should be PUBLIC. The minute that started the public would see Al-Qaeda demands that certain specific polices be stopped. Reasonable people would then look at these policies and see if the government has been honest with the American people and look to see if the polices are actually just.
Look into it, Bush and others LIED about why we were attacked in order to protect these policies. they lied because if the public realized what it was they were being attacked over, they would examine the policies to see if they are right. Turns out the policies are flat out wrong. The powers that people don't want the public to stop these policies so they lie to us and rob us of the freedom to decide if we want to be placed in harm's way because of them.
faintstarlite's "In defense of Carter"
faintstarlite's defense of Carter
Over on Youtube, faintstarlite has posted a video called In defense of Carter. Good for her! I posted this on her channel:
Great Carter video, I am glad you made it and that it was a "promoted video," it is time for more people to stand up for the truth. See "Carter's Real Sin is Cutting to the Heart of the Problem, The Ludicrous Attacks on Jimmy Carter's Book" By Norman Finkelstein. Carter's real sin is that he cut to the heart of the problem: "Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law." THAT is correct! He unfortunately repeats some of the Zionist misconceptions BUT he does get this basic fact right about Israel's illegal actions. The ongoing misery in Israel/Palestine is the result of the greed of Zionists who even today are taking more, killing more and oppressing more and pushing more non-Jews from land belonging to these non-Jews. It is a racist problem which MSM turns a blind eye to and special interests are able to dominate the public discourse here in America.
As others have said, I am sure you will be receiving nasty messages etc. Don't let them get you down. The MSM is not giving the public accurate info. Please see my blog post: "You are right to be skeptical, misrepresentations, distortions and omissions are common in the Zionist/pro-Israel narrative" over at my blog.
Please subscribe to my channel if you have not already.
Over on Youtube, faintstarlite has posted a video called In defense of Carter. Good for her! I posted this on her channel:
Great Carter video, I am glad you made it and that it was a "promoted video," it is time for more people to stand up for the truth. See "Carter's Real Sin is Cutting to the Heart of the Problem, The Ludicrous Attacks on Jimmy Carter's Book" By Norman Finkelstein. Carter's real sin is that he cut to the heart of the problem: "Peace will come to Israel and the Middle East only when the Israeli government is willing to comply with international law." THAT is correct! He unfortunately repeats some of the Zionist misconceptions BUT he does get this basic fact right about Israel's illegal actions. The ongoing misery in Israel/Palestine is the result of the greed of Zionists who even today are taking more, killing more and oppressing more and pushing more non-Jews from land belonging to these non-Jews. It is a racist problem which MSM turns a blind eye to and special interests are able to dominate the public discourse here in America.
As others have said, I am sure you will be receiving nasty messages etc. Don't let them get you down. The MSM is not giving the public accurate info. Please see my blog post: "You are right to be skeptical, misrepresentations, distortions and omissions are common in the Zionist/pro-Israel narrative" over at my blog.
Please subscribe to my channel if you have not already.
terrified that no one can even raise these questions
erikcartman1 asks over on my video, "was 9/11 ever investigated? was any proof ever presented that taliban were involved in it? if they were harboring osama bin laden, was there any proof presented that osama bin laden caused 9/11? aren't those the fundamental questions? and everyone is so made so much terrified that no one can even raise these questions!!!"
erikcartman1, it was not claimed that the Taliban was involved, it was just accepted by the MSM that the Bush Administration had the right to attack Afghanistan. Osama had been making public statements for years encouraging attacks and it was on the news wires the day of 9/11 (yet almost entirely not reported, meaning that news outlets were choosing not to report it) that "Osama bin Laden warned three weeks ago that he and his followers would carry out an unprecedented attack on U.S. interests for its support of Israel." Raising THAT is what terrifies people. I don't see people terrified to push the conspiracy crap or to even discuss it. BUT what we can see, for years before during and after 9/11, is a reluctance to discuss the fact that the horribly wrong policy of supporting the State of Israel results in a lot of injustices and that those injustices motivate some people to attack the US. Those injustices anger millions and from that, those who advocate using violence can recruit to attack the US in order to end the unjust policies which the US government supports. These facts are what make the "9/11 truth movement" such a cruel joke. See 9/11 discussion of basic facts, the "9/11 Truth Movement" is a cruel joke.
erikcartman1, it was not claimed that the Taliban was involved, it was just accepted by the MSM that the Bush Administration had the right to attack Afghanistan. Osama had been making public statements for years encouraging attacks and it was on the news wires the day of 9/11 (yet almost entirely not reported, meaning that news outlets were choosing not to report it) that "Osama bin Laden warned three weeks ago that he and his followers would carry out an unprecedented attack on U.S. interests for its support of Israel." Raising THAT is what terrifies people. I don't see people terrified to push the conspiracy crap or to even discuss it. BUT what we can see, for years before during and after 9/11, is a reluctance to discuss the fact that the horribly wrong policy of supporting the State of Israel results in a lot of injustices and that those injustices motivate some people to attack the US. Those injustices anger millions and from that, those who advocate using violence can recruit to attack the US in order to end the unjust policies which the US government supports. These facts are what make the "9/11 truth movement" such a cruel joke. See 9/11 discussion of basic facts, the "9/11 Truth Movement" is a cruel joke.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Rep. Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney
Rep. Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney
Description: Rep. Dennis Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney: Vice President Richard B. Cheney has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as Vice President, and subversive of constitutional government, to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and the manifest injury of the people of the United States, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office. * See Videos *
Description: Rep. Dennis Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney: Vice President Richard B. Cheney has acted in a manner contrary to his trust as Vice President, and subversive of constitutional government, to the prejudice of the cause of law and justice and the manifest injury of the people of the United States, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office. * See Videos *
Sounding the Alarm: Stop the War President Now
see video: Sounding the Alarm: Stop the War President Now

Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Stop the War President Before He Attacks Again Impeach Him and the VP
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
... we all know that U.S. strikes against Iran would be disastrous.
Middle East experts generally agree that Iran would respond to a U.S. strike by attacking U.S. and Israeli interests throughout the region and possibly globally. These strikes would lead to a greater Middle East war, including greater loss of life, financial burden, over stretch of our military and worse.
We're sounding the alarm this evening and we are sending a message to the President of the United States of America and to the Vice President, particularly now to the Vice President, who, when he was reminded by an ABC News reporter that the recent polls show that two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, his response was, "and so?" Well, Mr. Vice President, our "and so" to you tonight is, and so the American people do not want us to continue this war in Iraq and to air strike in Iran. We're sounding the alarm.
We are made to believe that we are somehow being placed at a great threat by Iran.
And so we know where this is going. We know what this means, and we're saying, we must not rule out diplomacy. ...
We know that we've still got work to do on Iraq. We've still got to make many Members of this House feel comfortable with the idea that they can confront their President, that they can still be very, very patriotic as they stand up against war ...
We know that the work has to be done, but we've got to add to that work the fact that we can stop an airstrike on Iran and we can stop the notion that somehow we must send more soldiers in." - Rep. Maxine Waters April 15, 2008
Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney

Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Stop the War President Before He Attacks Again Impeach Him and the VP
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
- http://www.house.gov/writerep/
- http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
- FAIR's Media Contact List
- Spread the Word, send these videos to others:
- TinyUrl.com/3TYBMU
- TinyUrl.com/4a77co
- Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney
- Also see: Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War.
"There are experts that are indeed worried that the same playbook that was used to bring this country into the Iraq war is now being used toward Iran. The Administration is pushing suspect intelligence." - Rep. Maxine Waters
Also see:
Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
... we all know that U.S. strikes against Iran would be disastrous.
Middle East experts generally agree that Iran would respond to a U.S. strike by attacking U.S. and Israeli interests throughout the region and possibly globally. These strikes would lead to a greater Middle East war, including greater loss of life, financial burden, over stretch of our military and worse.
We're sounding the alarm this evening and we are sending a message to the President of the United States of America and to the Vice President, particularly now to the Vice President, who, when he was reminded by an ABC News reporter that the recent polls show that two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, his response was, "and so?" Well, Mr. Vice President, our "and so" to you tonight is, and so the American people do not want us to continue this war in Iraq and to air strike in Iran. We're sounding the alarm.
We are made to believe that we are somehow being placed at a great threat by Iran.
And so we know where this is going. We know what this means, and we're saying, we must not rule out diplomacy. ...
We know that we've still got work to do on Iraq. We've still got to make many Members of this House feel comfortable with the idea that they can confront their President, that they can still be very, very patriotic as they stand up against war ...
We know that the work has to be done, but we've got to add to that work the fact that we can stop an airstrike on Iran and we can stop the notion that somehow we must send more soldiers in." - Rep. Maxine Waters April 15, 2008
Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney
Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Stop the War President Before He Attacks Again Impeach Him and the VP
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
see video: Sounding the Alarm: Stop the War President Now
Also see: Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War.
"There are experts that are indeed worried that the same playbook that was used to bring this country into the Iraq war is now being used toward Iran. The Administration is pushing suspect intelligence." - Rep. Maxine Waters
Also see:
Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
Stop the War President Before He Attacks Again Impeach Him and the VP
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
- http://www.house.gov/writerep/
- http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
- FAIR's Media Contact List
- Spread the Word, send these videos to others:
- TinyUrl.com/3TYBMU
- TinyUrl.com/4a77co
- Kucinich Reads Resolution to Impeach Vice President Cheney
see video: Sounding the Alarm: Stop the War President Now

Also see: Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War.
"There are experts that are indeed worried that the same playbook that was used to bring this country into the Iraq war is now being used toward Iran. The Administration is pushing suspect intelligence." - Rep. Maxine Waters
Also see:
Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War.
Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War.
See video: Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War
"There are experts that are indeed worried that the same playbook that was used to bring this country into the Iraq war is now being used toward Iran. The Administration is pushing suspect intelligence." - Rep. Maxine Waters
Also see:
Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
See Video:
Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Defense Secretary Robert Gates did not have to accept Admiral Fallon's resignation. "The military people think basically that Admiral Fallon was PUSHED OUT" - Mark Thompson Time Magazine National Security Correspondent
Fallon is described as "the one person in the military or Pentagon standing between the White House and war with Iran."
"We come to the floor tonight to resist efforts by this administration to paint war with Iran as a necessary next step in our so-called war on terror. A vast majority of foreign policy and military experts agree that war with Iran would be a colossal error.
... Administration officials this week have been turning up the volume on Iran.
A further sign that the U.S. may be headed for war is Admiral Fallon's resignation. In the aftermath of the disastrous invasion of Iraq, there has been discussion within media and in the military that senior military officers should have resigned when they knew the White House to be heading to a reckless war in Iraq. [a reckless AND illegal war]
Some are speculating that the recent retirement of Admiral Fallon is a direct result of his steadfast opposition to war with Iran. He even made his disagreements with the administration public before his retirement.
In a now-famous profile that Admiral Fallon agreed to do for Esquire magazine, he was characterized as the only man standing between war with Iran.
Let me read an excerpt from that article.
This was Esquire magazine, March 11, 2008. The title is ``The Man Between War and Peace.'' The article goes on to say that if in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it will all come down to one man. If we do not go to war with Iran, it will all come down to one, that same man. So while Admiral Fallon's boss, President George W. Bush, regularly trash-talks his way to world war III and his administration casually casts Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as this century's Hitler, a crown it has awarded once before, to deadly effect, it's left to Fallon, and apparently Fallon alone, to argue that, as he told al Jazeera last fall, this constant drumbeat of conflict is not helpful and not useful.
Another sign that the U.S. may be thinking about war is the offensive against the Mahdi Army. Moqtada al Sadr has promised full-scale attacks on America's interests in Iraq in the event of strikes on Iran. As commander of the multinational force in Iraq, General David Petraeus still presides as the commander of the Iraqi security forces as well. Any operation against the Mahdi Army would have been authorized by him. What motivation did the United States have in fueling a violent confrontation with the powerful militia at a time when al Sadr had declared a truce and the progress of the surge was being reported to Congress?
One explanation is that recent operations against al Sadr's militia, the Mahdi Army, may have been meant to neutralize possible resistance inside of Iraq in the event of a strike on Iran." - Rep. Maxine Waters, April 15, 2008
See new video: NBC Makes Mockery of US Constitution & Rule of Law
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
See video: Don't let Bush Trick Us into ANOTHER War
"There are experts that are indeed worried that the same playbook that was used to bring this country into the Iraq war is now being used toward Iran. The Administration is pushing suspect intelligence." - Rep. Maxine Waters
Also see:
Why Fallon's Resignation is Frightening
See Video:

Help Support the Campaign to Stop the War President!
Defense Secretary Robert Gates did not have to accept Admiral Fallon's resignation. "The military people think basically that Admiral Fallon was PUSHED OUT" - Mark Thompson Time Magazine National Security Correspondent
Fallon is described as "the one person in the military or Pentagon standing between the White House and war with Iran."
"We come to the floor tonight to resist efforts by this administration to paint war with Iran as a necessary next step in our so-called war on terror. A vast majority of foreign policy and military experts agree that war with Iran would be a colossal error.
... Administration officials this week have been turning up the volume on Iran.
A further sign that the U.S. may be headed for war is Admiral Fallon's resignation. In the aftermath of the disastrous invasion of Iraq, there has been discussion within media and in the military that senior military officers should have resigned when they knew the White House to be heading to a reckless war in Iraq. [a reckless AND illegal war]
Some are speculating that the recent retirement of Admiral Fallon is a direct result of his steadfast opposition to war with Iran. He even made his disagreements with the administration public before his retirement.
In a now-famous profile that Admiral Fallon agreed to do for Esquire magazine, he was characterized as the only man standing between war with Iran.
Let me read an excerpt from that article.
This was Esquire magazine, March 11, 2008. The title is ``The Man Between War and Peace.'' The article goes on to say that if in the dying light of the Bush administration, we go to war with Iran, it will all come down to one man. If we do not go to war with Iran, it will all come down to one, that same man. So while Admiral Fallon's boss, President George W. Bush, regularly trash-talks his way to world war III and his administration casually casts Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as this century's Hitler, a crown it has awarded once before, to deadly effect, it's left to Fallon, and apparently Fallon alone, to argue that, as he told al Jazeera last fall, this constant drumbeat of conflict is not helpful and not useful.
Another sign that the U.S. may be thinking about war is the offensive against the Mahdi Army. Moqtada al Sadr has promised full-scale attacks on America's interests in Iraq in the event of strikes on Iran. As commander of the multinational force in Iraq, General David Petraeus still presides as the commander of the Iraqi security forces as well. Any operation against the Mahdi Army would have been authorized by him. What motivation did the United States have in fueling a violent confrontation with the powerful militia at a time when al Sadr had declared a truce and the progress of the surge was being reported to Congress?
One explanation is that recent operations against al Sadr's militia, the Mahdi Army, may have been meant to neutralize possible resistance inside of Iraq in the event of a strike on Iran." - Rep. Maxine Waters, April 15, 2008
See new video: NBC Makes Mockery of US Constitution & Rule of Law
Tell them you will not stand for another war!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2
See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2
SEE VIDEO and Help the antiwar efforts of Tomas Young and others
Promoting this film helps the antiwar movement. I interviewed Phil Donahue in this Representative Press Video, please help amplify his efforts and my efforts, get this video to others. It is important that good crowds show up at the theaters. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 the movie is showing in NY and Donahue and the co-director will be there. Spread the word.
See VIDEO: See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2

I want Phil Donahue's appearance in my video to have been productive so I am really trying to get this video maximum exposure.
SEE VIDEO and Help the antiwar efforts of Tomas Young and others
Promoting this film helps the antiwar movement. I interviewed Phil Donahue in this Representative Press Video, please help amplify his efforts and my efforts, get this video to others. It is important that good crowds show up at the theaters. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 the movie is showing in NY and Donahue and the co-director will be there. Spread the word.
See VIDEO: See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2

I want Phil Donahue's appearance in my video to have been productive so I am really trying to get this video maximum exposure.
Friday, April 04, 2008
See Body of War, Hear Body of War TODAY! Part1
See Body of War, Hear Body of War TODAY! Part1
Buy the Double Album "Body of War" and Help the Cause
Body of War: Songs that Inspired an Iraq War Veteran is double-CD compilation of songs selected by Iraq war veteran Tomas Young. Buying the album benefits the non-profit organization Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), which Tomas Young selected. “The compilation record was an idea that grew out of my love of music and my reliance on it before, during, and after the war,” Young says. “The songs I selected for the record were tracks that inspired, motivated, and at times, literally saved me over the past few years.”

See Part 2:

SEE VIDEO and Help the antiwar efforts of Tomas Young and others, pass it on to others.
Promoting this film helps the antiwar movement. I interviewed Phil Donahue in this Representative Press Video, please help amplify his efforts and my efforts, get this video to others. It is important that good crowds show up at the theaters. The movie is showing in several cities, spread the word. See VIDEO: See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2
I want Phil Donahue's appearance in my video to have been productive so I am really trying to get this video maximum exposure.
Buy the Double Album "Body of War" and Help the Cause
Body of War: Songs that Inspired an Iraq War Veteran is double-CD compilation of songs selected by Iraq war veteran Tomas Young. Buying the album benefits the non-profit organization Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), which Tomas Young selected. “The compilation record was an idea that grew out of my love of music and my reliance on it before, during, and after the war,” Young says. “The songs I selected for the record were tracks that inspired, motivated, and at times, literally saved me over the past few years.”

See Part 2:

SEE VIDEO and Help the antiwar efforts of Tomas Young and others, pass it on to others.
Promoting this film helps the antiwar movement. I interviewed Phil Donahue in this Representative Press Video, please help amplify his efforts and my efforts, get this video to others. It is important that good crowds show up at the theaters. The movie is showing in several cities, spread the word. See VIDEO: See Body of War, Hear Body of War * Part 2
I want Phil Donahue's appearance in my video to have been productive so I am really trying to get this video maximum exposure.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Updating the layout of the Web site
I have been Updating the layout of the Web site
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Join the Representative Press Mailing List
Here is a working link to join the mailing list:
Join the Representative Press Mailing List
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