UPI reporter reveals what Neocons told him before the war.
Read more about War Crime Sold By Neocon Deception here:
United Press International journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave explains that he first heard people talking about "the inevitability" of the Iraq war when he was at a Dick Cheney book party held for Scooter Libby. Borchgrave says "the capital's top neocons" at the party "corrected" him for saying "if there is a war" because they were saying there was no "if" about it, "the decision had been made." They informed him that all the Bush Administration talk about the UN was nothing more than "the obligatory charade we had to go through for world public opinion."

As for a motive why top neocons would want to deceive the American people into a war with Iraq, you can read about "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm" which reveals that attacking Iraq was an agenda long before the 9/11 attacks which they dishonestly try to use as an excuse for the Iraq war. Three of Bush's top national security advisors had worked for "conservative pro-Israel think tanks" creating a plan in violation of international law which the necons do not respect. James Bamford, in his book A Pretext for War, writes,

And as if this all wasn't bad enough, Arnaud de Borchgrave points out that these guys are "all superhawks on Iran as well."
What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception
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