Friday, July 15, 2011

NBC Political Director Chuck Todd notified the Kucinich campaign


"Less than 44 hours after NBC sent a congratulatory note and an invitation to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich to participate in the Jan. 15 Democratic Presidential debate in Las Vegas, the network notified the campaign this morning it was changing its announced criteria, rescinding its invitation, and excluding Kucinich from the debate.

NBC Political Director Chuck Todd notified the Kucinich campaign this morning that, although Kucinich had met the qualification criteria publicly announced on December 28, the network was "re-doing" the criteria, excluding Kucinich, and planning to invite only Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and former senator John Edwards" - From Kucinich campaign Press release

See Video: Boycott the MSNBC Democratic Debate On Tuesday

1 comment:

Marie Smith said...

I heard your comment this week on MSNBC with Chris Matthews about Mitt Romney. You said his "Mormonism" would be a negative politically. Matthews questioned "Why?" You said because Mormons do not believe in Christ. Do your Homework. Mormons are the Church of JesusChrist. The Savior is the focus of the Mormon faith. You should be ashamed.