Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Terribly Corrosive Force on our World

WARNING: Across U.S. mainstream media they act as if international law does not exist

 Look how across U.S. mainstream media they act as if international law does not exist as far as restraining U.S. power. I really would like you to call the people who write for the NYT, like ISABEL KERSHNER and ask her why she writes articles with a world view that international law does not exist.

Major media are undermining our chance to have a civilized world, it is a terribly corrosive force to have media outlets write their articles from the viewpoint that there is no international law when it comes to U.S. or Israeli actions.

Look at "Israeli Official Hints Pentagon Plans May Make Lone Strike on Iran Unnecessary" Published: January 26, 2013 Notice how she puts the article together, She finds Herbert Krosney, an American-Israeli analyst to say "Mr. Barak’s statement now “indicates that there is close cooperation”" Yet she can't find an expert in international law to comment on Barak’s statement? She doesn't want readers to know that what they are discussing is a war crime?

Please contact people at the NYT and ask them why they continually do this.

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