Friday, August 18, 2006

What is left on the cutting room floor

President Ahmadinejad Calls for Democracy, Free and Fair Elections and a Durable Peace.

Mike Wallace Interviewed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 60 Minutes. At the request of the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, the FULL UNEDITED version was shown on C-SPAN. "The cable public affairs net will air the 60 Minutes edited version, followed by the full 90-minute interview, to give viewers a window on what is left on the cutting room floor." - John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 8/11/2006

We can see what they cut out, a call for democracy. This is another example of Mainstream Media's continuing suppression of basic facts concerning Israel and the Palestinians and other dramatic details related to the Middle East. It is a scandal for news editors to suppress the fact that democracy is being denied to people and that U.S. policy makers are behind the injustices. It is a scandal that the mainstream media suppresses the fact that the President of Iran is calling for democracy.

SEE THE VIDEO OF THE EDITS: Mike Wallace Interviewed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on 60 Minutes, LOOK at what the editor did

The text in red was edited out of the 60 Minutes broadcast:

MR. WALLACE: You are very good at filibustering. You still have not answered the question. You still have not answered the question. Israel must be wiped off the map. Why?

PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: Well, don't be hasty, sir. I'm going to get to that.

MR. WALLACE: I'm not hasty.

PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: I think that the Israeli government is a fabricated government and I have talked about the solution. The solution is democracy. We have said allow Palestinian people to participate in a free and fair referendum to express their views. What we are saying only serves the cause of durable peace. We want durable peace in that part of the world. A durable peace will only come about with once the views of the people are met.

So we said that allow the people of Palestine to participate in a referendum to choose their desired government, and of course, for the war to come an end as well. Why are they refusing to allow this to go ahead? Even the Palestinian administration and government which has been elected by the people is being attacked on a daily basis, and its high-ranking officials are assassinated and arrested. Yesterday, the speaker of the Palestinian parliament was arrested, elected by the people, mind you. So how long can this go on?

We believe that this problem has to be dealt with fundamentally. I believe that the American government is blindly supporting this government of occupation. It should lift its support, allow the people to participate in free and fair elections. Whatever happens let it be. We will accept and go along. The result will be as you said earlier, sir.

MR. WALLACE: Look, I mean no disrespect. Let's make a deal. I will listen to your complete answers if you'll stay for all of my questions. My concern is that we might run out of time.

PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: Well, you're free to ask me any questions you please, and I am hoping that I'm free to be able to say whatever is on my mind. You are free to put any question you want to me, and of course, please give me the right to respond fully to your questions to say what is on my mind.

Do you perhaps want me to say what you want me to say? Am I to understand --


PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: So if that is the case, then I ask you to please be patient.

MR. WALLACE: I said I'll be very patient.

PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: Maybe these are words that you don't like to hear, Mr. Wallace.

MR. WALLACE: Why? What words do I not like to hear? [the words highlighted in red and edited out of the interview]

PRESIDENT AHMADINEJAD: Because I think that you're getting angry.

MR. WALLACE: No, I couldn't be happier for the privilege of sitting down with the president of Iran.

See video: Apologize to the World Mr. Wallace and Return that Emmy

See: manipulating public opinion and text of Iranian President's letter
President Ahmadinejad Interview
Product ID: 193840-1
Format: Interview
Last Airing: 08/14/2006
Event Date: 08/08/2006
Length: 1 hour, 28 minutes
Location: Tehran, (Iran)


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Anonymous said...

Who elected the mullahs?

Tom said...

Notice the above anonymous poster ignores the point of my post.

A call for true democracy in Israel and Palestine. A call that the President Of Iran makes. A call that the media suppresses.

What good is our "democracy" if the public is deceived about things and made ignorant as a result?

What good is our "democracy" if the public is robbed of their freedom to determine their fates based on the truth? It can't be called a democracy if people can't make informed choices. You can't be ignorant and free.

Look what 60 Minutes and the rest of mainstream media are doing to the American people. Who elected them?

Anonymous said...

the tactic employed in the first post, reminds me of some of the techniques described in the Political Zionist propaganda manual, hasbara.

You can see similar tactics being used in the defamation of Jimmy Carter.

It's only meant to distract, confuse, and/or leave the reader with the idea that the content is questionable.

Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor

Anonymous said...

I tried to see your point. But I have watched so many other videos of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad talking about destroying the US, Britain, Israel etc. So many of them that I don't care what was edited outt of this video. Really, if someone says they are going to kill you one day and then later they say something else does that mean they don't want to kill you anymore? When someone says they are going to exterminate you - Believe them. And stop them. BTW, I'm not Jewish or religious. But someone has to stop Ahmadinejad and those like him. People like you are insane to protect or defend anyone like this.

Anonymous said...

Sure, President Ahmadinejad may call for this but the simple truth is that he is only a public figure-head. He has literally no power to accomplish anything in his country. It is the Aiatolá (ayatollah) that runs the show and holds ALL the political and religious power in Iran. So President Ahmadinejad can "say" anything he wants to and it doesn't really matter. Let's find out what the Aiatolá (ayatollah) has to say. Let's find out what the Aiatolá (ayatollah) has done in the past as a historical precedence.

Considering President Ahmadinejad as being the voice and policy maker for Iran is like considering me as being the voice and policy maker for the entire African continent.

Anonymous said...

Islam is a false and warring religion. They worship war, and a silly moon god made of stone. Don't be fooled by the 666 (616) beast religion! Run! Run very fast!

Look at:

Listen to:

Or watch YouTube:

I've spent my life researching this!

Mohammed was a power-hungry war mongering rip-off and sexual pervert!
Like Joseph Smith of the Mormons except Smith wasn't so much into the war and killing aspects. The Qur'an is a perverse rip-off and rewrite of the jewish texts and stories that existed some 2000 years before it.

If you want to know the sexual perverse, hating, murderous nature of Mohammed all you need do is read the Hadiths which Mohammed himself wrote and said supersedes the Qur'an.

While it's true that Bush is a Nazi it is ALSO true that Islam may be the undoing of the free world as we know it. Something to fight? You decide.

Anonymous said...

Islam Exposed!

JRuthless said...

So...all you anonymous posters, who can't even give your name, because even you believe your comments are despicable.....think that its OK for the media to censor and deceive the public?? Its OK for the news media to tell lies?!?

If they lie about one thing, what makes you think they are not lying about other things?

Come on totally missed the point of the article.

Typical of someone who is an ignorant blind supporter of a dictator.

Are you one of those people?

Or, do you support freedom, democracy and the constitution?

Mjolnir said...

Before you go pointing fingers at Mr. Wallace or our gov't or the Israeli gov't...why don't you take some time out to study the history of that region. I amnot going to give you all the answers, but suffice to say, before the Israelis moved there, the "palestinians" weren't there was a baren wasteland. The arabs moved into that region because of the opportunities available because of the prosperity of the hard working Jews...but Islam could not stand to have it's followers working for Jews, so they have continually waged war against them to "give" them back their land..and what have they done? If you are have as intelligent as you profess to be, I don't ned to answer that question for you.

Who is it that fires hundreds of rockets a day into Israel? Can you answer me that?

And despite the ineffectiveness of most of these attacks, the fact remains that they continue to happen daily. and then they cry that israel is not being nice by shutting their border...

Why don't you travel to Israel sometime and see it for yourself. or go to Iran and see it for yourself. The truth is somewhere in between the lies presented to us by the media, but they are not in the pocket of the Military industrial complex, or the zionists...

Do yourself a favor and do your homework before you start accusing.

AmericanGoy said...

Thank you for posting this.

Coming from an (ex) communist country, I see very many similarities and not many differences to how the media operate in a communist country and the so called "democracy".

The big difference is this - under communism, people knew that the TV news, the newspapers were full of lies and propaganda pushing the government's agenda.

In America, people have not figured it out that it is the same situation here - that the TV "news" and printed newspapers, are pushing a definite agenda.

What are the so called "experts" from think tanks but propaganda experts?

Why are the majority of Americans so stupid that they do not notice how blatant this propaganda is?

AmericanGoy said...

"Notice the above anonymous poster ignores the point of my post."
This is how they operate.

"A call for true democracy in Israel and Palestine. A call that the President Of Iran makes. A call that the media suppresses.

What good is our "democracy" if the public is deceived about things and made ignorant as a result?

What good is our "democracy" if the public is robbed of their freedom to determine their fates based on the truth? It can't be called a democracy if people can't make informed choices. You can't be ignorant and free."

One cannot have a democracy with an uninformed populace.

But if you haven't noticed, we live in a "democracy" now, but in reality it is an empire.

We have our military bases all over the world, in virtually all oil producing countries - vide Georgia.

Meanwhile we paint Russia and Iran as aggressive, dangerous nations, whereas in reality it is US that are that.

We are projecting onto those nations what we are doing.

The whole purpose of the talk shows (one cannot call them news), and the "news" shows, with their propaganda experts invited in (all pro Israel, and all pro big business) is definitely NOT to inform the American public, but to misinform.

To lie.

And then Americans get outraged when people around the world call us dumb.

It is not our fault, really - the media makes sure of that.

AmericanGoy said...

"Do yourself a favor and do your homework before you start accusing."

We did do our homework.

Before 1940's there were troubles and incidents, but on balance the Palestinian Arabs, Jews and Christians all lived in peace without bothering one another much.

In 1940's European Jews came in, and in 1948 in a war ethnically cleansed themselves a country - vide Deir Yasin, women, children, men murdered by Jewish/Israeli troops.

The Arabs, and not just Palestinians, never forgave Israel for this ethnic cleansing.

There, is that "doing my homework" enough for you?

Anonymous said...

RP, you certainly touched a nerve here.

Before the truth came out about the sham 60 Minutes interview with the Iranian prez, the anons were content to let lies lay, as they helped put lipstick on that pig known as Israel.

Now that the truth has come out, the Jewish Internet Defense Forces have swung into action, making not so subtle threats about and to people hungry for the truth about the savage and brutal Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Israel is a bastard, pariah nation that can't live in peace and has no desire to let peace bloom in the ME, since that would interfere with the Zionist goal of Eretez Israel, land from the River Nile to the River Euphrates.

Paid for with the blood of innocents in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and of course, Palestine.

And with copious amounts of American blood and treasure.

All to prop us a vicious, racist and apartheid, Jews only state of Hate, Israel.

Israel likes to brag it's our only friend in the Middle East.

Funny, but I can't help but to think that before Israel came into existence, the US had NO enemies in the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

a couple of answers to some ignorant comments:

the mullahs were elected in an election immediately after the revolution, winning with a landslide 95% in an election where more than 90% of the people participated.

to malagent: your very statements reveal your ignorance. ahmadinejad has never advocated the destruction of britain or the united states. furthermore he said "the zionist entity must be eliminated from the face of time" not "israel must be wiped off the map". the subtle difference is that he refers to a regime, not an entire nation. aameica and israel advocate regime change in iran all the time. why is it when iran does the same thing back, they suddenly become insane and unpredictable?

and finally, ahmadinejad does have power in iran. yes, he does not have the supreme power, or the power to declare war, but niether does the american president. just because the supreme leader is more powerful than him does not mean he is powerless. you only have to compare domestic and foriegn policy between the ahmadinejad and khatami administrations to understand this

Anonymous said...

Well Said American Goy. This whole "democracy" thing is the new communism as it is. Most americans are completely clueless to the idea that our country was founded as a constitutional republic. So, when this article says "can we have our constitution and democracy" I say no way in hell. The mob rule works in favor of the jewish subverters of our countries because they control the money, the media, and hollywood which is where most americans get their opinions written for them in the form of scripts.

Anonymous said...

You're right, everyone needs to understand. The mullahs need to be bombed now.

Anonymous said...

What everyone needs to understand is that were are living in a dictatorship masquerading as a democracy.

And that a certain people who hail from a mid-eastern TENT 5 millenia ago, claiming to be "Gods chosen people" are the lying hypocrites in charge. This self same people who turn your history channels into a hate fest on anyone they care to. Read your O.T. bibles and take a look at just who they already ran their hate campaigns against in the 2milkenia before Christ.

This is just more of the same. And they have no shame. And they will not give up til your are all exterminated. Mullahs included.

Who next on your list?

Anonymous said...

Middle Eastern religions are best in the Middle East. When Westerners try to interact with them there are problems. Better to keep East and West apart instead of forced together to misunderstand and attack one another.

Anonymous said...

Nice sentiment, but perhaps Iran should allow "free and fair" elections for anyone who stands for office, instead of banning hundreds of reformist or anti-Islamist candidates. 'Till then, anything they say about democracy is asham.

Anonymous said...

Funny, all anti-Christian, anti-war candidates in the US are not aloud to run. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Unfree and Unfair elections is good enough for Iran, it's good enough for Israel. And it's good enough for Americans.

Americans: you are getting the government you deserve. Thanks to free and fair elections.

Anonymous said...

the same people who threw out the puppet-Shah

Anonymous said...

the same people who threw out the puppet Shah of Iran

Anonymous said...

There's nothing new in Ahmadinejad's anti semitic rhetoric. Even though he claims to only be anti zionist. He is just continuing a 2000 year old tradition of hatred.
Similarly some of your readers have left comments blaming Israel for all the problems in the middle east. Their 'homework' ignored the Hebron massacre and other attacks by the Arabs, but found the fabricated 'facts' of Deir Yassin.

Anonymous said...

there are so many morons who know absolutely nothing about the middle east. And they convey their Racist and Ill-informed views, showing their lack of knowledge and bias towards arabs and darker skinned people. Its in their blood. Look at what they did to the Afro-Americans for so long.

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Mid Night Lover said...
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Mid Night Lover said...

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Alisha Sharma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alisha Sharma said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Goa Escorts
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Escorts in Goa
Goa Escorts Service
Goa Call Girls

Priya Rana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Priya Rana said...

I believe in spreading really like and satisfaction everywhere and so is my strategy. I also have emotions for sex and I better fulfill myself when I fulfill an enthusiastic fan who is sensible guys. I also want have fun eventually spent in foreplay. I like to be fondled, kissed, hugged, moved and taunted. I am not like other Russian Escorts in Goa who just want to generate income and just lie down like software. I include myself absolutely in the act of actual closeness. Due to my own strategy to get pleased, you appreciate sex in the most enchanting way. I know what makes men insane. I never let myself away doing all the small yet effective factors of actual closeness. Visit us -

Unknown said...

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Priya Rana said...

Being in the trade for the past few years, we have come to know what exactly our esteemed clients want from us and our erotica queens. The people who aspire for the services of our girls are the ones who always need something refreshing and new in the sensual domain of their life, this is the reason we leave no stone unturned in living up to their expectations always in entirety.
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Unknown said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Priya Rana said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Is it accurate to say that you are getting exhausted with your forlorn and repetitive life? Would you like to experience a tiny bit punch in your life? Come to us; we have something for you. We at give you a shot of a lifetime to taste the genuine delight of life. You will get an opportunity to revive your faculties when our delightful escorts will allow you to have a vibe of their "mystery resources". Our ahmedabad escort have all that you need – a stunning body, executioner looks and not all that run of the mill mind which permit you to would whatever you like to do with them. Their body is a play area for you. In every last a portion of it, they have sweet astonishes for you. Would you like to lose this shot of having a provocative lady in your bed that is prepared to strip everything for giving you a definitive sexual joy
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Unknown said...

From today your fulfillment is no more just your obligation, however a beyond any doubt thing when you depend on the young ladies who work for us. The escort administrations we give have ensured to us a strong position on the top end of the business sector and to our customers. For over ten years we have been selecting fitting young ladies for our customers and searching for the most gifted Ahmedabad Escorts to work for us. Along these lines we have assembled a decent gathering of enchanting females that can meet each, even the most refined tastes. You can win anything with achievement if having backing of such a brilliant female. Don?t sit tight for nurturing you new risks as all you need is as of now here prepared for you. It is truly simple and will give you most extreme fulfillment. Come here to meet those stunning escorts who originated from everywhere throughout the world. Give our telephone representatives a chance to help you settle on right decisions and answer all the inquiries you may have. Inside couple of minutes your request will be prepared and no additional time might be squandered before you can begin getting a charge out of this uncommon night. Any issues you may have can be determined when investing energy with our Ahmedabad Escorts.
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

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Chiggy Wiggy said...

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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Escorts administration in Delhi gives the most elevated consumer loyalty and nature of making great times. You can take different unique arrangements to resemble a Man. Our administrations incorporate have huge accumulation of blonde, youthful and Russian young ladies, who are energetically open to experience to have the essence of your dreams and, their definitive goal to serve ultra closeness of physical need. We are known as a best since we have the accumulations of Russian young ladies alongside Call Girls 
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Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Getting included with captivating and delightful ladies is each man's craving. High class escorts in Delhi can make your desire work out. Regardless of what calling you are in, on the off chance that you need to have the best a great time this is your possibility. Mingling and eating with restrictive ladies at long last prompting hypnotizing minutes in your room, Delhi Escorts will deal with everything.
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Unknown said...

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Priya Rana said...

To spare you from hustle clamor and tricks, we have made our Gurgaon Escorts Service effortlessly available through a basic telephone call or direct email. With regards to choose a free escort, we take after strict criteria as our clients ought to never at any point be baffled at any expense. Visit us -

Unknown said...

With top notch organization where I generally keep myself clean, cleaned and wax. It upgrades the high caliber of services I give. It is the better obligation of an escort to be wax and cleaned with the goal that you can acknowledge world-class real closeness.

Priya Rana said...

The irresistible grin of these young ladies will make you feel instantly good. They try to love, live and giggle with Gurgaon Escorts the best of them, and surpass the standards to guarantee that your time together is a remarkable and important experience. Visit us -

Simran Verma said...

They have complete understanding of the person’s and even of the girl’s body. This information lead them to stand in a different way a number of the crowed of call girls in Gurgaon.

Simran Verma said...

You may avail them every time you require them and the wide variety of them you choice. Your fantasies can be transformed into the reality by using our scorching fashions Escorts in Mumbai.

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